Alpha Male Q's

I’m thinking about getting the Alpha Male testosterone enhancement, but I wanted to get it for the physiological/sexual effects, not so much for the strentgh/muscle effects.

Does Alpha Male effect your mind (aggresiveness, courage, sex drive, etc) as much as it effects your body?

And did those who tried it notice a big difference in their aggresiveness, courage, and sex drive?

No supplement affects courage, but I guess that depends on how you define it exactly. But sex drive? Hell yes. Almost too much! Alpha Male makes me crazy horny. It’s almost scary.

Testosterone is supposed to help your courage, because more test makes you take more risks, and usually that means more courage.

Alpha Male definitely increases my libido. My wife can validate this.


Makes me much more aggressive and in-charge. I am a high school teacher and Alpha Male helps with being on top of the situation. I take 6 per day and absolutely love the stuff! This is Biotest’s best product, IMO. I noticed the effects fairly quickly but the bottle says to wait 4 weeks.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Makes me much more aggressive and in-charge. I am a high school teacher and Alpha Male helps with being on top of the situation. I take 6 per day and absolutely love the stuff! This is Biotest’s best product, IMO. I noticed the effects fairly quickly but the bottle says to wait 4 weeks.[/quote]

Lol, what subject do you teach?

I just read in your other thread, that you’re 17. I believe on the label it reads that one should not take it if you are under the age of 18.

While it’s a great (and safe) product, save it for down the road.

(You’re getting good advice in your other thread, btw!)

Dude I think you should be leaning towards David Deangelo before coming here planning on taking Alpha Male to get more courage?? That is the most retarded shit I have ever heard. You have no doubt plenty of testosterone at 17. You will be plainly wasting your money. I heard that first your 17 second your around 6 foot and weigh 140lbs???

I think you should come here if your looking for advice to gain weight and feel better about yourself which may in turn cause you to be a more confident person. Honestly you need to eat and not stop and also train heavy, thats what you need, all the rest comes in time. Stop being a wuss and worrying about women, you need to focus on getting bigger and the confidence will come with it, and by all means you dont need alpha male. I am sure its an excellent product but your 17, chances are taking it will make you wana hump everything thats it. Im really hoping Prof X can comment on this thread, he would be the best guy to listen to…

Lol, what subject do you teach?[/quote]

Math and science (its a small semi-rural school). The kids really like it if you take charge and don’t tolerate any crap, so Alpha Male is good at keeping me on my game. Take one cap Spike in the morning, 6 caps of Alpha Male as directed — learning WILL take place.

[quote]mike88nf wrote:
I’m thinking about getting the Alpha Male testosterone enhancement, but I wanted to get it for the physiological/sexual effects, not so much for the strentgh/muscle effects.

Does Alpha Male effect your mind (aggresiveness, courage, sex drive, etc) as much as it effects your body?

And did those who tried it notice a big difference in their aggresiveness, courage, and sex drive?[/quote]

Oh my troubled little friend…Two words - Brazilian JuJitsu. It will make an ass kicker and a heart breaker out of you