Can Alpha Male be taken all year round 5 on 2 off?? or does it need to be cycled?
Should/can Carbolin 19 be taken on the off days?
Anyone know cheapest place to buy in uk?
I’ve spent ages in the search and cannot find these answers.
Can Alpha Male be taken all year round 5 on 2 off?? or does it need to be cycled?
Should/can Carbolin 19 be taken on the off days?
Anyone know cheapest place to buy in uk?
I’ve spent ages in the search and cannot find these answers.
Honestly, taking Alpha Male all yr long might not do much. I am sure the effects/if any will lessen over time. Check the Alpha Male discussion thread. I used it in the past and perhaps it was placebo or gasp just me making gains after busting my ass!
Not sure about prices in the u.k
I would cycle it every 3 months, but I’ve heard it’s fine to take it 7days/week.
If you choose to use it 5on/2off, then I see nothing wrong with taking Carbolin 19 on the off days.
Cheapest place? Either direct from this site, or you could contact member LondonRunner and see if he has any.
[quote]liston78 wrote:
Honestly, taking Alpha Male all yr long might not do much. I am sure the effects/if any will lessen over time. Check the Alpha Male discussion thread. I used it in the past and perhaps it was placebo or gasp just me making gains after busting my ass!
Not sure about prices in the u.k[/quote]
i really dont think its a placebo, i have a long thread here somewhere about my results, i tested my blood before and after, i was i think 313 before and something like 445 after, that may seem still low but its like a 40% increase. to be honest though i did ZMA, REZ-V and Alpha Male. but it obviously works,. seems to help me lean up, i have lost a ton of weight in the last couple years and it seemed to help me get down the last little bit off. i was 341 at 6 foot 3, not i am under 180 usually
i did three months, took some time off mainly for money reasons, divorce , now i am starting four more bottles of it plus ZMA, coulndt pay for REZ-V right now.