Aloof and Not Giving a F**k?!

Tired of Fedoras?

Tired of being a Beta bitch?

No worries, watch and do the opposite:

By observing these cringeworthy specimens you can be aloof and not giving a fuck too!!!

Fedoras and bronies, wow.

EDIT: and swords.

I spent way too much time cringing and shaking my head last night when I clicked the link in the other thread, probably a whole months worth within an hour.

There is a kid up the street who wears one of those fedora too. I’ve thought about letting my dog lose on him a few times when he walks by.

I really shouldn’t be surprised that this exists lol.

You know I was wondering about fedoras. At first I thought they were 100% terrible, but then I remembered that Indiana Jones had one. Is that where these kids get it from? Are they trying to emulate Indiana Jones? If so then they have failed in literally every way possible other than the fedora.

The whole alpha/beta dichotomy annoys me, but for the purposes of this topic, are these guys really betas? Letting a chick use you as a chair seems more like omega territory.

Also, I remain stubborn in my refusal to believe that Bronies are an actual thing. The alternative is too terrible to comprehend.

Fedoras are still cool though… right?

I bought one last summer and wore it here in France and in Edinburgh (lots of hipsters there) and nobody cared, then I went back to my hometown in NE England and I may as well have been wearing a pink feather boa. Context is everything I suppose.

Anyway, that link is some real car crash internet. The worst has to be guys sending photos of themselves crying to their exes.

I’m sure we’ve all been a bit beta at one time or another but that’s a very good reminder to just suck it up and get on with your life.

I can’t be the only one who after looking through that website, and having never heard of a brony before, now want’s one of those Tshirts desperately!?!

[quote]orion wrote:
Tired of Fedoras?

Tired of being a Beta bitch?

No worries, watch and do the opposite:

By observing these cringeworthy specimens you can be aloof and not giving a fuck too!!![/quote]

I got a different angle on this. You remember when Lebron and co were all wearing those classic style black glasses without lenses? All the hipsters were doing the same for a while and many graduated to having lenses in their glasses.

I’ve been wearing those same glasses with lenses for a long time now, because I need them. That they look good on my face is what seals the deal for me. I’m not going to stop doing me because cool folks or lame folks do it. It feels a lot like following or giving someone else control of me and my confidence in the way I look, feel etc.

I’m in control of that thanks, no fashionista’s or queer eye’s will have any pull or push on my sense of style. I don’t wear fedora’s or any of that, but I’ve seen Wanderlei sport a Fedora before with confidence. It’s mostly about YOU and your ability to pull it off. Well mostly, I cant imagine even Wanderlei sporting a pink feather anything and getting away with it… Lol. So maybe it’s a bit more complex. Things that are long established, like men wearing flamboyant colors and dress to show their sexual orientation are kinda hard to avoid. I guess some of these things are hard to avoid.

But, if you call yourself alpha and look like all the other, “Alpha’s.” Guess what? :)Your following. Being, “Aloof” and “Not giving a fuck” seem to be an aspect of being alpha, but it’s attached to being confident rather than withdrawn or messy or detached.

That old saying, the clothes make the man… It’s true that first impressions and certain people will treat you according to your dress. But your dress doesn’t change who you are under the facade.

[quote]Severiano wrote:

[quote]orion wrote:
Tired of Fedoras?

Tired of being a Beta bitch?

No worries, watch and do the opposite:

By observing these cringeworthy specimens you can be aloof and not giving a fuck too!!![/quote]

I got a different angle on this. You remember when Lebron and co were all wearing those classic style black glasses without lenses? All the hipsters were doing the same for a while and many graduated to having lenses in their glasses.

I’ve been wearing those same glasses with lenses for a long time now, because I need them. That they look good on my face is what seals the deal for me. I’m not going to stop doing me because cool folks or lame folks do it. It feels a lot like following or giving someone else control of me and my confidence in the way I look, feel etc.

I’m in control of that thanks, no fashionista’s or queer eye’s will have any pull or push on my sense of style. I don’t wear fedora’s or any of that, but I’ve seen Wanderlei sport a Fedora before with confidence. It’s mostly about YOU and your ability to pull it off. Well mostly, I cant imagine even Wanderlei sporting a pink feather anything and getting away with it… Lol. So maybe it’s a bit more complex. Things that are long established, like men wearing flamboyant colors and dress to show their sexual orientation are kinda hard to avoid. I guess some of these things are hard to avoid.

But, if you call yourself alpha and look like all the other, “Alpha’s.” Guess what? :)Your following. Being, “Aloof” and “Not giving a fuck” seem to be an aspect of being alpha, but it’s attached to being confident rather than withdrawn or messy or detached.

That old saying, the clothes make the man… It’s true that first impressions and certain people will treat you according to your dress. But your dress doesn’t change who you are under the facade. [/quote]

Tis be true.

But, its not about the attire, it is about the attitude.

Just be warned that a Fedaro takes an extra edge now, because manginas have ruined them.

You have to be 23,76% more manly now in order to wear them.

Fedoras can be cool.

[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
Fedoras can be cool. [/quote]

It’s not the fedora I notice.

[quote]EmilyQ wrote:

[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
Fedoras can be cool. [/quote]

It’s not the fedora I notice.[/quote]

Why don’t you elaborate Emily? This is right up your ally isn’t it?

[quote]Severiano wrote:

[quote]EmilyQ wrote:

[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
Fedoras can be cool. [/quote]

It’s not the fedora I notice.[/quote]

Why don’t you elaborate Emily? This is right up your ally isn’t it? [/quote]

It’s his pensive expression. I think he’s got a lot on his mind. The next shot, of course, but I sense there’s more going on than that.

[quote]EmilyQ wrote:

[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
Fedoras can be cool. [/quote]

It’s not the fedora I notice.[/quote]

That is my point. The fedora in pop culture has been worn by good looking men with sexy women always near by. Most of those individuals on that website just have it backwards.

I think a lot of it has to do simply with his stature. The way he stands there is a certain confidence about him, he’s not slouched over but standing upright, spine arched shoulders back, big chest as far as body language. He has a presence about him that is brought about via combination of his physique and posture in his stance, it’s almost an exaggerated stance. Well that’s all I can really read on him, just a photo but to top it off his clothes are pressed and fit, he put effort in and takes pride in his appearance but not tooo too much. Which gets a lot of points these days.

If there’s anything I notice that I don’t like, it’s the bling on his wrist. I’m inclined to think gaudy jewelry belongs on women, though personally it’s not my thing.

Disturbing but hilarious.

[quote]EmilyQ wrote:
If there’s anything I notice that I don’t like, it’s the bling on his wrist. I’m inclined to think gaudy jewelry belongs on women, though personally it’s not my thing.[/quote]

What about bodylanguage? Well it seems to be a posed shot, but is that something you factor in? I do obviously, it communicates as much as language.

What!? You all have got to be fucking with me. “His pensive expression, confident stance, and pressed clothes.” What!? The first thing anyone notices when they look at that picture is that the dude is fucking jacked. And there are very few men, “alpha” or otherwise who are going to give a guy shit for his fedora when he’s sporting 20" lean arms, period.