…beats any other kind of butter out there. I’ve gone through like 2 jars in the last week.
I wish I could get some of that!
I love that stuff. Been buying at Trader Joes with ground flax mixed in for a little extra Omega 3’s. Definitely a different consistency than regular PB, and damn good mixed in oatmeal with some banana Metabolic Drive
I got this from a whole foods store on recommendations from people on this site…and it tasted like ass lol. I like peanut butter 100 times better and half the price. I thought I’d like it since I love almonds but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
almond butter, cottage cheese, and banana sammiches are my new favorite thing.
[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
I love that stuff. Been buying at Trader Joes with ground flax mixed in for a little extra Omega 3’s. Definitely a different consistency than regular PB, and damn good mixed in oatmeal with some banana Metabolic Drive
TJ’s almond butter with flax is awesome, everyone should test it out.
And to those that say it tastes bad? That’s because it’s a lot healthier for you and doesn’t contain all the added oil and sweeteners in peanut butter. You’ll learn to love it.
[quote]WestCoast7 wrote:
TJ’s almond butter with flax is awesome, everyone should test it out.
And to those that say it tastes bad? That’s because it’s a lot healthier for you and doesn’t contain all the added oil and sweeteners in peanut butter. You’ll learn to love it.[/quote]
I’m comparing it to all natural peanut butter that you also get at a whole foods store. No additives or sweeteners. It has a more coarse consistancy and alot less flavor then the peanut butter. It’s a matter of personal taste, not “I don’t like it because it’s healthier for me”. The other people in this thread like it for the way it tastes. I think it tastes bad.
I will however stick to snacking on whole almonds at my desk throughout the day.
Cashew butter is good too.
The TJ’s Almond butter with the flax has a much thicker consistency than the usual Almond Butter. For someone on a prep like I currently am, feeling like you actually ate something more ‘solid’ is a huge plus, and the texture,… being able to chew it also fulfills some psychological need when you’re dieting so strictly.
Yeah! I love this stuff! Like Stu, I get mine from Trader Joe’s as well. I usually go through a can a week. I usually put it on some sprouted grain bread or smear it on a banana. Great stuff indeed!
Much better than PB.
I love Natural Peanut Butter much more. Never really liked nuts in their original form anyways. I usually get Smart Balance. It has flax oil in it.
Will never eat PB again after this recent discovery a few wks ago
[quote]Nards wrote:
I wish I could get some of that![/quote]
If you have a food processor you can make your own pretty easily - all you have to do is grind up almonds (roasted or unroasted work), add some salt, and you could also add flax/flax oil.
Nothing beats peanut butter for me…
(Necroposting, I know, but…)
Quick question- almond butter, consistency/meant to be used like peanut butter or like cow butter?
if anyone has a vitamix or other really nice blender, you can make your own nut butters fairly easily. just add the nut(s) of your choice and a splash of oil of your choice and blend.
Costco has a big thing of almond butter now
Does the oil rise to the top like natural PB and does it have to be refrigerated after opening? I’ve tried natural a few times, but always just go back to good old Jiff. The nutritional analysis isn’t sufficiently different enough for the grainy texture, taste and inconvenience.
Gotta go with natural. taste is 100 times better. stop eating the shit imbubber