All for the Pump - Rugby & Lifting

Do both. Explode up, control it on the way down.

Really give some emphasis on the hyperextended portion of that movement (when your ass is higher than the plane between your shoulders and knees.

There’s not many good movements that can target this area of ROM so give it some good Daddy thrusts.


17th January 25 WK 2 - Upper B - no real plan at the moment

2m rest of the big moments

  1. Slight incline DB Press
    36kg DBs
    2 sets of 8 reps (will increase next week)

  2. HS seated ROW
    45kg each side 2 sets of 8 reps

  3. HS Shoulder Press
    50kg Each side 2 sets of 8 reps

  4. Pull Ups - 1m rest
    x 3 x 3 x 2

  5. Cable Lat raises
    25kg x 7
    20kg x 8

  6. Incline DB Curls
    18kg DBS
    x 6 x 5

  7. Dips

  8. x 8 x 6


20th January 25 WK 3 - Upper A - no real plan at the moment

2m rest of the big moments. Playing rugby on Friday night so need to rethink my gym this week.

  1. HS Chest press
    50kg each side x 8
    45kg each side x 8

  2. Seated cable shoulder width row
    84kg x 6
    77kg x 8

  3. Viking Press
    71kg x 6
    61kg x 8

  4. Lat pull Down
    91kg x 7
    84kg x 8

  5. Pec Dec
    89kg x 6
    82kg x 6

  6. Cable Curl
    6 weight x 7
    5 weight x 8

  7. Tricep Rope Extension
    13 weight x 8
    12 weight x 5

Enjoyed the session and had a few more carbs in me this morning so got some good pump and progress.


21st January 25 WK 3 - Lower A - no real plan at the moment

2m rest of the big moments. Playing rugby on Friday night so need to rethink my gym this week.

  1. Hack Squats - not done these in ages but again the area for the trap bar was taken up
    120kg x 4 too heavy
    100kg x 8

  2. Hip Thrusts
    140kg x 6
    x 5

  3. Hamstring Curls
    91.5kg x 8
    84.5kg x 8

  4. Calf Raises
    95kg x 10
    85kg x 7

  5. Cable Ab crunches
    17 weight x 10
    16 weight x 8

The weight on the hip thrust machine really hurt my stomach this morning, as long as its not damaging anything i’m happy to continue to use it but it doesn’t feel great.


23rd January 25 WK 3 - Upper B - no real plan at the moment

  1. DB Slight incline Press
    38kg DBs x 8
    36kg DBs x 8

  2. HS Seated row
    47kg each side x 8
    42kg each side x 8

  3. HS Shoulder Press
    52kg each side x 8
    47kg each side x 8

  4. Chins 1m rest
    x 3 x 3 x 3

  5. Incline Curls
    18kg DBs
    x 7
    x 6

  6. Dips
    2.5kg x 8
    0kg x 6

Another fun session done.


27th January 25 WK 4 - Upper A - no real plan at the moment

  1. HS Chest press
    52kg each side x 6
    47kg each side x 6

  2. Seated Cable row - shoulder width bar
    84kg x 8
    77kg x 8

  3. Viking Press
    71kg x 7
    61kg x 8

  4. Lat pull down
    91kg x 8
    84kg x 8

  5. Pec Dec
    89kg x 7
    82g x 7

  6. Cable Curls
    6 weight x 8
    5 weight x 8

  7. Tricep Rope bent over extension
    13 weight x 6
    12 weight x 8

Played rugby on Friday night and had an ok game. I ate and drank like a king on Saturday though. Need tp get a plan and get my head towards some goals for this year.


28th January 25 WK 4 - Lower A - no real plan at the moment

  1. Seated Hamstring Curls
    94kg x 8
    86kg x 8

  2. Hack Squats
    100kg x 8
    80kg x 8

  3. Hip thrust machine
    80kg x 10
    80kg x 10

  4. Cable ab crunches
    17 weight x 10
    16 weight x 10

  5. Standing Calf raises
    95kg x 8
    85kg x 6

Felt like a nice leg workout today, still missing squatting and not being able to hinge without my lower back freaking out.


30th January 25 WK 4 - Upper B - no real plan at the moment

  1. Slight incline DB press
    40kg DBs x 6
    38kg DBs x 7

  2. HS Seated row
    50kg each side x 8
    45kg each side x 8

  3. HS Shoulder press
    55kg each side x 6
    50kg each side x 8

  4. Chins - 1m rest
    x 3 x 3 x 3 x 2

  5. Cable lat raises
    25kg x 8
    20kg x 8

  6. Incline DB curls
    18kg Dbs x 8
    16kg Dbs x 6

  7. Dips
    2.5kg x 8
    0kg x 8

Great pump again today, feel amazing with a pump and some good carbs in me. Not that lean right now but i am happy with me.


3rd February 25 WK 5 - Upper A - no real plan at the moment

  1. HS Chest press
    52kg each side x 7
    47kg each side x 7

  2. Seated wide row
    71kg x 8
    61kg x 8

  3. Viking Press
    71kg x 8
    61kg x 8

  4. Lat Pull Down
    98kg x 6
    91kg x 6

  5. Pec Dec
    89kg x 8
    82kg x 8

  6. Cable Curl
    7 weight x 6
    6 weight x 8

  7. Tricep bent over extension
    13 weight x 8
    13 weight x 8


4th February 25 WK 5 - Lower A - no real plan at the moment

  1. Seated Hamstring curls
    96kg x 6
    89kg x 6

  2. Hack squats
    105kg x 8
    85kg x 8

  3. Standing Calf raises
    95kg x 8
    85kg x 8

  4. Cable abs
    18 weight x 8
    17 weight x 10

  5. Hip thrusts - really slow and wide, felt my glutes for once
    40kg 2 sets of 10


6th February 25 WK 5 - Upper B - no real plan at the moment

  1. DB slight incline bench
    40kg DBs x 8
    38kg DBs x 8

  2. HS seated row
    50kg each side x 8
    45kg each side x 8

  3. HS shoulder press
    55kg each side x 8
    50kg each side x 8

  4. Chins
    x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2

  5. Cable lat raises
    25kg x 8
    20kg x 8

  6. Incline DB curls
    18kg DBs x 6
    16kg DBs x 8

  7. Dips
    5kg x 8
    0kg x 8

Great workout this morning and great pump, i’ve been adding reps or weight every session since January on all apart from Chins (they never bloody improve).

Got my Root canal on my tooth tomorrow, probably being a bit pathetic but not looking forward to 2 hours of dentistry.


10th February 25 WK 6 - Upper A - no real plan at the moment

  1. Seated cable wider row
    87.5 x 7
    80.5 x 8

  2. HS Chest press
    52kg each side x 8
    47kg each side x 8

  3. Viking press
    73.5kg x 4 - had nothing on this which was strange
    63.5kg x 6 - felt fine

  4. Lat Pull Down
    98kg x 7
    91kg x 7

  5. Cable Curls
    7 weight on rack x 6
    6 weight on rack x 8

  6. Tricep metal bar bent over extension
    14 weight on rack
    x 8 x 8

  7. Pec Dec - Was being used and i needed to go to work so missed this

Havent really eaten anything solid all weekend since i had my tooth done. So been drinking a load of skimmed milk and shakes. Jaw hurts like a mother Fcker and tooth is sore to eat on.

I hate teeth!


11th February 25 WK 6 - Lower A - no real plan at the moment

  1. Mobility Work

  2. Hack Squat
    110kg x 8
    90kg x 8

  3. Hamstring seated Curl
    96kg x 8
    89kg x 8

  4. Calf raises
    105kg x 7
    95kg x 8

  5. Cable ab crunches
    18 weight x 9
    17 weight x 10

  6. Hip thrust machine - super wide and slow
    45kg x 2 sets of 10 reps

I used to be super consistent on a 4 day a week programme (M,T,Th, Fr) using an upper lower but since last year and doing rugby training on Thursday night i’ve missed most Fridays.

I miss my 2nd lower session on a Friday for various reasons but one of the main ones is wanting to be home with the kids in the morning when they wake up as i’m out Thursday night. Thinking i might need to re plan my week if i keep up with this but i do feel beat up and tired come the end of the week even without rugby training.

Need to get myself a plan rather than just living a little day to day.


If you are training hard for rugby then why not just do a 2 day a week program but work really hard on those 2 days. Keep the other day for conditioning work or an extra arms day.


13th February 25 WK 6 - Upper B - no real plan at the moment

  1. DB slight incline Press
    40kg DBs x 8
    38kg DBs x 8

  2. HS seated Row
    57kg each side x
    47kg each side x 8

  3. HS Shoulder Press
    57kg each side x 6
    52kg each side x 6

  4. Chins - just can’t be bothered with these. I’m not getting better at them ffs

  5. Lat raise machine
    35kg x 8 x 8 - need to up this weight

  6. Incline DB curls
    18kg DBs x 7
    16kg DBs x 8

  7. Dips
    6.25kg x 8
    just body weight x 8


I like this suggestion, I made a lot of progress on 2 per week, did 531 for main movements, I did squat with bench one day and deads with OHP the other. With the right accessories thrown in afterwards you can really do a lot with just a couple of hours per week.

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17th February 25 WK 7 - Upper A - no real plan at the moment

  1. HS Chest press
    55kg each side x 6
    50kg each side x 6

  2. Seated cable wide Row
    87.5kg x 8
    80.5kg x 8

  3. Viking Press
    73.5 x 6
    63.5 x 7

  4. Lat pull down
    98kg x 8
    91kg x 8

  5. Pec Dec
    91.5 x 6
    84.5 x 8

  6. Cable bicep curl
    7 weight x 6 reps
    6 weight x 8 reps

  7. Bent over tricep cable extension
    15 weight x 8 reps
    14 weight x 8 reps


@simo74 @alex_uk

While i used to run a 2 day a week before when i was playing rugby more, I’ve actually not been playing loads of rugby, not been going rugby training every week and been missing my Friday sessions. Mostly all of the above are due to family things (so i don’t feel guilty) but i’ve let my life just stroll on a little and need to take control.

So in that vain i need a plan, i need my next 8-12 week plan to be something i want which i think is bigger arms right now. I’ve never dedicated a proper block to arms but always moaned how they are a weaker body part.

So will create a programme with arms 3-4 days a week then less volume on everything else.

Need to get out of my head a little and be in the moment of life a lot more.

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Haha this is 100% me. I’m thinking the next thing (after all the other stuff I’m trying to do) is going to be trying the RP hypertrophy app - I like very prescriptive training cycles, but the option to be able to set out the number of days and the desired emphasis seems pretty appealing and would tick all the boxes.

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@davemccright @TrainForPain @Andrewgen_Receptors Tagging some boys with decent arms, not sure if training arms 3-4 days a week is the answer but they will know better than me.