Alflutop Log

I started a 21 Day cycle of Alflutop today. It is my first cycle. I have been suffering from chronic joint pain for a few years in my elbows, shoulders, back, and knees. I am taking 1ml a day for 21 days. Injecting into the delt with a 29 g 1/2 inch Slin Pin. Today was my first session. It went well! I will be logging here everyday and updating, hopefully it turns out good and i can move some iron once again!

Here is a list of supplements im currently taking :

Cod Liver Oil
Ground Flax
Whey Protein
Digestive Enzymes
Vitamin C
Grape Seed Extract
Cissus RX

My diet is very clean. I am currently doing a No Starch Diet, so a ton of lean meats fruits and veggies, very rich in healthy fats.

Thinking of ordering a 1 inch pin, worried that the 1/2 inch isn’t getting deep enough into the delt.

Without going into too much detail here, say my dog would like to try this, is it available with out a prescription?

Adequan would need to be a local injection, though right?

[quote]Detroitlionsbaby wrote:
Adequan would need to be a local injection, though right?[/quote]

No, it’s also systemic. Their is (or perhaps was, as I don’t see it currently listed at the supply company) a version that was directly injected into the joints of horses, but there have always been systemic versions for canine & equine applications.

It helped my dog more than it helped me, imo.

Sweet! Thanks BBB! Adequan it is!

Day 2 - Rotating left and right delts. No changes so far. I was thinking of trying adequan if this fails. Im not too sure of a source tho. I know you def can’t get adequan on ebay.

Yes, Adequan looks like it is impossible to get in the states = (… What is your dose of aflutops, Fatt MaTT

1ML daily for 21 days. The amps are already set at 1ml so its perfect. I have 30 amps, I might just run it for the extra 9 days. An adequan source would be nice Detroit, hopefully I can come up on one here in the states.

How many mg in each dose though?

10mg in a 1ml dose

I would take a PM, BBB, for some reason, none of my PMs to you went through

Thanks BBB, I could also take pm!

Day 3 No change. Ive heard the effects start to kick in after about 10-15 days.

Day 4, no change…Just curious, this would be a question for BBB or anyone else who could answer. What difference do you see with alflutop vs adequan? Do they help in different situations? Would running a combo be beneficial?

Day 5 - no change