Alex Jones and Piers Morgan

even though I agree with Jones his style is repprehensible

As opposed to Morgan?

There is a reason that the English started a petition to not let him back in.

[quote]UtahLama wrote:
As opposed to Morgan?

There is a reason that the English started a petition to not let him back in.[/quote]

are you saying Morgan is barred from entry in the UK ?

[quote]pittbulll wrote:

[quote]UtahLama wrote:
As opposed to Morgan?

There is a reason that the English started a petition to not let him back in.[/quote]

are you saying Morgan is barred from entry in the UK ?

No more than the U.S. is going to evict him (no matter how big an ass he is)…but as soon as they heard that there was a petition to deport him back to England, they started one over there to not let him back in.

At last count it was over 200K.

Pitt is there a second part to this video?

It’s too bad Alex Jones handled himself like an idiot. He actually had good valid points.

[quote]Phoenix44e wrote:
Pitt is there a second part to this video?

It’s too bad Alex Jones handled himself like an idiot. He actually had good valid points. [/quote]

I don’t think so , I agree too bad Jones were not smarter

I don’t agree with Jones’ style, and I’ve accessed recently the best explanation
of the WTC 7 scenario of which Alex is DEAD WRONG on BTW, but Piers was just
trying to trap jones with the myopic Gun Statistics of which Jones was emphasizing
the overall loss of life due to violence in the US and across the pond, but Piers
consistently BYPASSED that and pressed the Gun only statistics, and Alex was having
NONE OF THAT, which I admired…then he went into mocking Piers accent which went
overboard but was memorable…Alex is not a pushover, he’s knows he’s not flying straight…a bird that flies straight is easy to shoot down.

I’ve been a fan of Jones for a long time now

He does that on purpose. He might seem crazy - but there is a definite logic to it. Anyone watching can tell there is a method to the madness

It’s purpose is an invitation to “take the red pill” so to speak - directed at the target audience of people who still give a crap about Piers Morgan

He’s not trying to make the best case or legal argument. The show appeals to emotions - so he pushes harder in a way that [i]might[/i] break some people out of that mold. Probably not possible without a large dose of batshit, and WWF style tactics

I loved this one, check it out - if you want a better idea of what I mean

He has no purpose if it’s not hijacking their shows and injecting some “red pill”

He pushed it too far with the boxing stuff - and the “YOU fled here, buddy” - but I think that was about it. Overall he did good, for his goals/purposes

I need guns to protect myself from people like Jones, not some mythical tyrannical government that is allegedly going to take everything over.

I seriously wonder if Jones is taking any steps to prepare himself for this supposed tyrannical govt’s future takeover.

I wonder if he can stitch himself up without anesthetic in the wild. Can he field dress a wound without getting gangrene? Remove a bullet from a wound? Can he make a splint out of tree branches and set a broken limb in the middle of a forest? Is he familiar with propaganda techniques? Psychological warfare? Does he have a shitload of cash stashed anywhere? What about a bunch of gold and/or silver? Can he skin and gut an animal in the wild without contaminating the meat? Can he fish/hunt without a nice fishing rod or a gun? Does he know how to trap wild game? Can he identify poisonous plants and edible ones? Does he know where the nearest source of potable water is that doesn’t come from a reservoir?

Is he familiar with the terrain surrounding his neighborhood? Can he shoot straight? Does he have some sort of contingency plan, and has he been coordinating this with other like-minded individuals? Does he realize that IF the shit hits the fan, by virtue of his latest temper tantrum, he will be specifically targeted by this tyrannical govt? What is he going to use against the govt’s tanks and stealth jets and 1000lb bombs and drones and well-trained soldiers with night vision goggles and all that other fancy shit? Does he REALLY think his collection of hunting rifles and assault weapons are going to do one single fucking thing when the shit hits the fan and the govt rolls down his street in a bunch of Abrams tanks looking specifically for him?

I mean, what do people like him really think all the guns they stockpile in their bedroom are going to do for them when an F-22 drops a fucking 5000lb bomb through his living room window? Because if he thinks the tyrannical govt he speaks of is going to start shit with the sort of weaponry he might have a chance against, he’s a naive fool.

And if Jones thinks everything is going to be hunky-dory for him and he won’t need to be VERY well-versed in extensive survival skills if this supposed scenario unfolds, he is going to be one of the first to die when or if that scenario does unfold. So if he isn’t taking all the steps outlined above, and more, then he’s just an ignorant, paranoid fool who’s played too much Gears of War and spent too much time reading stuff by John Locke or Thomas Jefferson and not enough stuff about guerrilla warfare methods by guys like Che Guevara or Mao or Samuel B. Griffith or Vuich.

Well, bypassing all that theoretical, carnal situational bullshit you just spewed, of which there are one or two valid points, if Alex dies he goes to heaven anyway…I hear he’s Christian.
Everybody dies.

Yeah, isn’t that interesting, 'seems like Piers was put in place for this plan.
I have never seen a talk show host putting pressure on the gun agenda
in multiple shows in such a short period like this in my entire life.
Larry King must be rolling in his adult diapers.

The folks in the UK don’t want Piers Morgan back because of this:

How proud are we that one of our news agencies took this wiretapping tabloid hack and gave him the spotlight!

You need guns to protect yourself from people like Alex Jones? Has he killed anyone that I haven’t heard about? has he infringed on you in anyway? Please explain why you need a gun to protect yourself from him? or are you just running your mouth, which is more likely btw.

[quote]dk44 wrote:
You need guns to protect yourself from people like Alex Jones? Has he killed anyone that I haven’t heard about? has he infringed on you in anyway? Please explain why you need a gun to protect yourself from him? or are you just running your mouth, which is more likely btw. [/quote]

Challenging some one to a physical confrontation is stupid , I wish the Brit would have said why wait till next time and said let’s do it now and proceeded to kick his ass :slight_smile: But if Morgan or any one fears some one they have a right to protect them selves

[quote]Chushin wrote:
I’m watching CNN right now, and I just cant believe how this ass pontificates about the US when he’s not even an American.

It’s not just a humble expression of opinion; he acts like he has some right to decide what we do.

Head of nail, meet hammer.

You sir, have hit it.

[quote]UtahLama wrote:

[quote]Chushin wrote:
I’m watching CNN right now, and I just cant believe how this ass pontificates about the US when he’s not even an American.

It’s not just a humble expression of opinion; he acts like he has some right to decide what we do.

Head of nail, meet hammer.

You sir, have hit it.[/quote]

If you watch the video , he acts as though he has the right to a differing opinion nothing more . I think Jones just bolstered the position of the liberals that Gun People are low brow. I do think the majority of people see people that disagree with them as the enemy

[quote]pittbulll wrote:

[quote]UtahLama wrote:

[quote]Chushin wrote:
I’m watching CNN right now, and I just cant believe how this ass pontificates about the US when he’s not even an American.

It’s not just a humble expression of opinion; he acts like he has some right to decide what we do.

Head of nail, meet hammer.

You sir, have hit it.[/quote]

If you watch the video , he acts as though he has the right to a differing opinion nothing more . I think Jones just bolstered the position of the liberals that Gun People are low brow. I do think the majority of people see people that disagree with them as the enemy [/quote]

Then you have not watched much of that tabloid hack since he left England…he was given the boot because he was at the heart of the illegal wiretapping that got his two tabloids shut down and pretty much gave everybody the finger on his way over here.

Morgan called anybody who wanted to own a gun “was a damn fool” Kinda goes against the 2nd Ammendment…no?

[quote]Karado wrote:
Well, bypassing all that theoretical, carnal situational bullshit you just spewed, of which there are one or two valid points, if Alex dies he goes to heaven anyway…I hear he’s Christian.
Everybody dies. [/quote]

Theoretical, carnal situational bullshit? What do you think arming yourself in preparation for some sort of massive govt takeover is?