[quote]elliotnewman1 wrote:
Captain Ron wrote:
elliotnewman1 wrote:
I dont drink alcohol at all! So i wanna see what the drinking habits are like of everyone on T-Nation, bearing in mind were all into training hard for one thing or another.
I found drinking at the weekends screwed up my training, lowered my energy levels, worsened my skin etc. Since stopping i’ve never looked back.
My friends try to get me to drink which p*sses me off. Anyone get the same from people who lack our passion for training?
I haven’t drank in about 2.5 years and it’s worked out well for me. I understand what you mean about friends though… you’ll find many ‘friends’ aren’t really friends in that regard. Either they don’t care or they don’t understand - I’m not really sure which. It can get quite irritating when you’re not judging people for drinking, but they’re judging you for not drinking.
One thing you’ll find is that not drinking will really change your focus on a lot of thing - at least it did for me. I don’t have much desire to go to parties anymore as the theme is almost always drinking (But I do live in a college town). So a lot of times when other people are out partying, I’m home working or relaxing with a movie. But I don’t regret my choice one bit.
Yeah i do have friends who try to get me to drink, but its only when their already wasted and not thinking properly. I dont think its cos their bad people, they just cant understand my goals and their a bit ignorant…
im sure everyone who trains hard, eats clean and rarely or never drinks has a similar problem! Friends sometimes seem like their trying to jepodise your goals…but its often just cos they dont get why we do what we do.
Maybe we who train need to communicate our goals better to our friends and family so they can encourage and help, not hinder.
In reality i know this is easier said than done! In fact, despite training being one of my biggest passions, I rarely discuss it with any of my friends…cos its so far away from the life they lead, they just dont get it!
I’m not sure if putting more effort into communicating our goals would change a thing. The way I see it, people know all too well what most of us are doing and why we are doing it.
I don’t know a single person who hasn’t at a certain stage of life tried to improve his or her physical appearance and condition - be it via a diet, related products, a training regimen, some other practise or a combination thereof.
The real difference is with regard to consistency and the effort put into establishing a solid base of knowledge which in turn enables one to find an intelligent approach to reaching one’s goals, not in the lack of the goal altogether.