[quote]entheogens wrote:
Bujutsuka wrote:
haha. LSD can’t kill you no matter how much you take, but it can open your eyes to how much you don’t notice about life.
You’re right. But, it is a drug that deserves a lot of RESPECT. You know, there is this ongoing debate. On the one side, you had people like Hofmann and Aldous Huxley who argued that LSD should have been reserved for use by a small group of people, like some intellectuals, artists or, at least, people under close clinical supervision. On the other hand, you had people like Leary, Alpert (now Ram Dass) or, more recently, Terence Mckenna who argued for psychedelics for the masses. I believe Dr. Andrew Weil-the famous health guru- was probably more in the former camp. He became converted to LSD research after having been initially critical of it.
In any case, I think everyone agrees that LSD should not be given to people whose family has a history of schizophrenia. Also, obviously, people should not be secretly dosed. There was one famous case of a CIA/DOD? scientist being secretly dosed and he did throw himself off a building. People should pay close attention to setting. I wouldn’t want to do LSD around a bunch of strangers. Although there is that case of “Doc” Ellis of the Pittsburgh Pirates pitching a “no-hitter” while under the influence of LSD: Did Dock Ellis Pitch a No-Hitter on LSD? | Snopes.com (scroll down a few paragraphos for the story.)
Even with those precautions, people do have bad trips. I have had my share of them. But, if you pay attention to the information coming through on the bad trip (rather than just trying to ignore it), you will be so much wiser.
Actually what usually happens to me is that the trip will start off bad and as I pay attention to it, it at some point turns into a “good trip”…usually after much anxiety.
I have met some burnt-out acid heads. I don’t know if that comes from over use of acid (possible, since not enough research has been done on LSD due to its scheduling), or if these were just dumb people to begin with.
So, yeah, like you said, it won’t kill you and AS FAR AS WE KNOW, it does not appear to be bad for you (that may change as more research is done…some of the earlier accusations about it damagining chromosones was bullshit research. That ONE study was done with a few patients from a mental hospital who were using thorazine-which does damage chromosones. Actually Leary,
Metzner, Allan Watts, Alan Ginsberg and a bunch of other well-known LSD users got examined for this and none of them had chromosone damage).
you mean it can’t kill you directly… and if you don’t overdose by a factor of 30.
Is there actually any data (more likely anecdote) on this in humans?