Aiding the nutritional illiterate

Hey again t-sports fans, my subject matter has expanded beyond the depths of oatmeal jabber and into the much more broad spectrum of total nutrition, and the best mode of giving advice to fellow t-men. I have a friend who relies apon my judgement calls in all matters training, but the moment he steps out of the gym his nutrition is rotten, accordingly his gains are minimal. He wont listen to my advice, and I have no idea of how to indoctrinate him with a t-man eating philosophy. Any clue as to how I can let him know that rice is good for more than stimulating the korean economy?

Ask him for his rationale about whatever “diet” he is on and go from there. Back your information up with published studies, then drop it and let him figure it out for himself.

If you’re making gains and he isn’t, shouldn’t that be motivation enough for your buddy? Keep in mind that many, in fact most, people aren’t prepared to make the sacrifices it takes, and won’t. You may not be able to do anthing here.

Like John said, not everyone is willing to make the sacrifice. Chicken, tuna, rice, veggies, eggs, oatmeal, etc. all of the time is a huge change for a lot of people and in many cases, a bigger lifestyle change than working out itself. Do your thing, show the results, and hope that your buddy comes around.

robusto: You know what the big difference is between those who “take on the lifestlye” (like many of us) and those who don’t? Chris Shugart said it best in a Guest Atomic Dog entitled “Merry Christmas Bob” in Issue #136; “We Overcome…” THIS STUFF IS NOT EASY! All you have to do is look at the sales of all the “quick fixes” and “only 8 minutes a day” and “no exercise or diet to get the body you want” junk out there and you realize something profound: PEOPLE JUST DON’T WANT TO DO WHAT IT TAKES!

I agree with the rest of the gang. Be an example. Have him read "Merry Chrismas, Bob". Let him know that you're the only one that is honestly telling him what it takes. The rest is up to him.

One other thing: If I see ONE MORE SUBWAY COMMERCIAL telling me that the way to a great body is to eat Subway Sandwiches and to follow that most buffed of T-Men, Jared (or whatever his name is), I will kill myself, via slow suffication, between the jaws of a Susan Sommer’s ThighMaster…

Thanx t-people, I shall employ your advice.

But rice sales do stimulate the Korean economy!

(Sorry I thought that last sentence of yours was pure gold)