Ive done quite a bit of research with steroids, as of right now i am 19 and i definitely agree with the fact that i am too young for anabolic steroid use. But I am having conflict with on what age should i start, I read everywhere but it seems everyone and everything tells you something different.
Some say 21, others say 25 and then others say 30. What would be the safest age to take these at in moderation?
You could most likely run right now if you have done all your homework and do a light, responsible cycle. Test only, maybe a dbol kick start for the first is generally recommended.
Most people on here will tell you to wait for a certain age, but I think it’s fine if you know what you’re doing.
I just say this because I know two personal friends (idiots) that completely abused steroids for an extended period of time. They were using test enanthate, tren enanthate, dbol, and anadrol too i believe.
Running completely unorganized stupid cycles with these compounds and NO PCT or AI on hand to boot. Neither of them got gyno and both of them are fully recovered and have kept most of their strength gains.
So while most people on here will jump in and tell you that you’re going to die/suffer severe sides if you run at your age, it’s simply not true. Just bro knowledge.
[quote]bob_sander87 wrote:
You could most likely run right now if you have done all your homework and do a light, responsible cycle. Test only, maybe a dbol kick start for the first is generally recommended.
Most people on here will tell you to wait for a certain age, but I think it’s fine if you know what you’re doing.
I just say this because I know two personal friends (idiots) that completely abused steroids for an extended period of time. They were using test enanthate, tren enanthate, dbol, and anadrol too i believe.
Running completely unorganized stupid cycles with these compounds and NO PCT or AI on hand to boot. Neither of them got gyno and both of them are fully recovered and have kept most of their strength gains.
So while most people on here will jump in and tell you that you’re going to die/suffer severe sides if you run at your age, it’s simply not true. Just bro knowledge.
Oh yeah… puts on flame suit[/quote]
This advice is pretty bad in my opinion. The OP has already said that he thinks he is too young to start. There’s really no need to encourage a 19 year to do a cycle.
He may be completly right. I don’t think that really matters though. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to encourage someone to use steroids after they’ve already said they felt they were too young.
I sound much more opinionated than I actually am. In the end it’s completely up to the individual.
I cant agree… even if training, nutrition and research is all in place, which is unlikely at 19 - albeit possible for a semi-pro/pro competing athlete…
the endocrine system still needs a few more years to “mature”… no, i dont have medical journals to reference, but it has been seen anecdotally many many MANY times.
I think that is would be WISE for a man to wait until (at least) 22/23 before introducing external androgens into his system.
I am not suggesting that great results cant come from using AAS at a younger age… and i am not suggesting that this will lead to a pre-mature shutdown/regression/suppression of the endocrine system in later life in ALL cases…
But if you want to use on the side of caution, be sensible, and make sure you get the healthiest use of the drugs possible… then it is necessary to be well into the early 20’s before AAS use.
I say 22-23 simply because by then the majority of males are likely to have a PHYSICALLY mature endocrine system… at 19 SOME may… some may not.
If anyone has some scientific stuff they want to throw in here - fine. But i do believe my post to be based on personal and anecdotal evidence that seems to have been confirmed over the past 50 years of AAS use in bodybuilding.
I mean i have thought about it, my cousin is a pharmacist i know he could get me some if i wanted it. I just want to get bigger (so does everyone :P). Ive been training pretty hard my arms were 11 inches around 2 years ago now they are 15 1/2. I can incline 255, Bench Press 315, Squat 425. Not too bad of gains for 2 years starting from scratch seeing as i was very skinny at first (112 lbs).
Most definitely gonna wait, even tho i have held a bottle of cyponiate in my hands with the cyringe in the package. I felt wrong about it and didnt do it…
I mean sure, id grow pretty quick have a nice thick muscular physique. But in the end wouldnt i lose majory of the muscle once im done with it? Then have to worry about hormone issues?
And bob how old were your friends? Im pretty sure genetics have alot to do with that. Everyones body is different.
People usually tell me if u take them very smart you will be ok but still… Dont trust it for some reason.
IMHO it’s tough to put an exact age on an acceptable start date. I did my first cycle early this summer at age 19. I did it for reasons I deemed necessary and weighed the cost/benefit ratio many times before I chose to do so. I ran a cycle with a friend who was in the same situation as me (back into NCAA sports) and he fucked up and didn’t like prop pain, so he quit after 2 weeks of erratic use.
If you feel you are using for a real prupose, and you have checked and double checked everything that goes into planning a cycle, then I say do it. I got more than I hoped for, and I am glad that I did what I did at a younger age than most would advise. Just my .02.
[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
I think Bob is the only member I have ever seen post in this forum who agrees with me on this subject haha, thats good to know.[/quote]
Aren’t you the 16 year old that didn’t know how to inject and got an abscess?
Reason why im considering it is because i eat 300g of protein a day 300 carbs 3500 calories and still have no signs of growth, just strength. And i have shoulder pains
Reasons for considered use:
Break the genetic plateau so ill be able to grow.
May help with shoulder pains do to steroids faster recovery.
By the way: I like how everyone is patient on this forum and arent complete assholes like some forums are. Thanks guys for being patient with me.
I understand your impatience, and you feel like you’re putting all efforts in. But unless you’ve got top quality coaches/trainers/mentors, it’s almost impossible you’ve gained half the knowedge you’ll have in a few years.
Yet, let’s face it, even if you click on all cylinders of training, nutrition, and all else, gains will still be much slower than if go the AAS route.
BUT, that is a short sighted approach: yes you’ll make very quick and impressive gains on AAS, but if you dont have your training and nutrition down to a T, you’ll lose too much when going off cycle, you won’t gain as much while on cycle, and you’ll feel tempted to stay on all the time.
And most importantly, you have a great chance that your natural hormones will be never be, for the REST OF YOUR LIFE, what they could have been if you’d stayed natural for just a few more months.
Rememeber where you were 3 years ago? Doesn’t it seem like another life? Well, you may live for 70+ years… Don’t risk fucking them up just for impatience…
BTW I just read your last post. Shoulder pain IS a problem due to incorrect training, posture, frequency, etc. Cortisone shots, AAS, drugs, are NOT the answer. They’re just quick fixes at best. At worst, they dull the pain so you keep training in a way that makes the injury even more severe without noticing at first.
Getting ART therapy, osteopathy or chiro or whatever, reading AND applying all the posture/shourlders/prehab/prevention articles right here at T-Nation are at must. You’ll learn a TON about yourself, and different, efficient ways to train.
Injuries were in a way the best things to happen to me. If I get injured nowadays it’s because of contact sports, not my training.
[quote]Rippemanewone wrote:
Reason why im considering it is because i eat 300g of protein a day 300 carbs 3500 calories and still have no signs of growth, just strength. And i have shoulder pains
Reasons for considered use:
Break the genetic plateau so ill be able to grow.
May help with shoulder pains do to steroids faster recovery.
By the way: I like how everyone is patient on this forum and arent complete assholes like some forums are. Thanks guys for being patient with me.[/quote]
At least try upping your calories first. I need a good 4000 before I start to see gains.
Man 4000 calories thats pro-bodybuilder sh*t? people tell me i needed 3000 calories, i have trouble downing 3000 calories and still manage to get 3500 thats alot of food man.