Age Related Training?

Hi there just turned 24 been training for around 5 years now, serious diet for 2. Now I was just curious about training techniques as we age. For instance for the last 5 year I’ve progress and lifting heavier and heavier and now lift heavy as I can all the time along with low rep warm ups and a few warm downs.

At what kind of age would you ease off heavy as you can to prevent injury but still to maintain your physique and health. For instance how u would train through your 30s, 40s and 50s

power decreases faster than strength as you age, so older lifters benefit from having more explosive lifts like cleans, snatches etc. Recovery also becomes an issue too, those old guys can’t keep up with us young bucks. There’s still some damn strong old guys out there though.

At age 24 though mate you’ve a long time before you would need to worry about that.

I’ve found that based on the weights you lift (and I like to go heavy), you will reach a point where your joints start to feel the effect of your training. Also, certain exercises can put more stress on your connective tissue, and that can contribute to feeling your years in the gym as well.

Recovery isn’t really an issue for a long time if you stay on top of your diet. I actually train with greater volume and frequency now (39) than I did in my 20’s due to being so meticulous with my nutrition and supplements.

At your age though, I doubt any of this should really be a concern.


Interesting thanks guys was just curious of experiences lifters. Cheers

At last, a TN thread related to a subject I’m an expert on (being old).

I’m 50, and have lifted consistently since I was 19. I ‘peaked’ in my mid-20s at ~250# (probably 15-20% BF). My strength back then was respectable, but not impressive for someone my size–bench mid-300s, squat mid-400s, rarely did DLs and never for a single (I remember doing 405 for 4 sets of 6 one day–why I decided to do that, I have no idea).

I’m ~200# and 8-9% now, and not nearly as strong as I once was. How much of that is due to being 50# lighter vs 25 years older is difficult to say. I still train with the same intensity and enthusiasm as I did back in the day–the weights are just a whole lot lighter.

If I could go back and talk to my 25 y.o. self, I would tell him to pay more attention to those mild-but-persistent pains, and to adjust his splits/training to minimize them rather than simply ignoring them. (But I most likely wouldn’t have listened to me.)

Brilliant post!

I have too little resistance training experience to answer that from that point of view.
First thing i would say is there is no answer to your question. Well there should be 1 coming from you but if you had it i doubt you would have asked it.

The fact you ask is good you seem open but if you were open you might have been reading and lifting heavier is not the BB way. What are your goals ?

This might be of value to you scroll down to 3:37 pm post

Why was your question asked in this forum ?

I am sorry if i did not help you but being 55 i answered you like i would have my nephew. Maybe others will be more helpfull.

All the best !

Saw your profile and it really inspired me. I’ve only been lifting for a year, but have made great gains in muscle, and lost over 70lbs of fat. I’m 6’4", currently 275. I’m 48 and hate the idea that building mass is only for the young. I’ve never felt better. Lifting has literally changed my life. I’d like to drop another 40lbs of fat and add more muscle. Any advice would be appreciated.

[quote]oberon wrote:
Saw your profile and it really inspired me. I’ve only been lifting for a year, but have made great gains in muscle, and lost over 70lbs of fat. I’m 6’4", currently 275. I’m 48 and hate the idea that building mass is only for the young. I’ve never felt better. Lifting has literally changed my life. I’d like to drop another 40lbs of fat and add more muscle. Any advice would be appreciated.[/quote]

Thanks man, very nice of you to say. Have you considered starting a training/diet log in the ‘Over 35’ sub-forum? Lots of accumulated wisdom there, and folks willing to share it. Hope to see you there. Take care and thanks again.