[quote]southphilly wrote:
MaddyD wrote:
OMF’IN Tittie fuckin rollerskating damnit!!!
you do not listen and its scary.
how can you be confused by the stickies, they are thoughtful,well laid out and informative.
I am possibly the most uneducated,ignorant hillbilly-ist fooker on these forums and I understand them perfectly.
I know you have no excuse besides being damned lazy.
and if you are confused then you DO NOT NEED GEAR.
if you cant understand the simple layout of these powerful drugs or what they do and do not do then you are endangering yourself by attempting to take these.
now listen ok?..
AI= aromataze inhibator I know (I cant spell, this stops an enzime from converting testosterone to estrogen
SERM= selective estrogen receptor modulator. this type of drug basicly plugs up the recptors in certian tissues stoping the estrogen from doing its job in them.
now you would use an AI to keep your test to estrogen ratio correct (more test than estro) becuase the more test you have the more estro you will have,its called homeostasis.
and you would use a serm either in pct when you have a rebound and your estrogen is higher or if you show sides in order to lessen the damage from the estrogen floating around.
now please read all you can and understand why,what dose and when to use these drugs
you dont “NEED” to use them as people in the past didnt have access to them and they got huge,but most of the exagerated sides being shown in the media are actually handled by the proper and responsible use of these drugs.
now this is not an easy way out, AAS is not a magic pill, if you cant make progress without it then you will not do any better with it.
you do not need test or winny,not now anyways you are the type of lazy and stupid fuck that has made a horrible name for AAS and makes it hard for the rest of us to get the drugs we NEED to live normal and productive lives
just remember whats normal to us is superhuman to you so please take it fwiw.
now please GTFO and read a damned book,eat some chicken and learn how to work out before you even come back here and post about this cycle you are planing.
Your another fuckin computer kiddy living up a big role playing game. You didn’t do shit but define 2 things and talk a lot of shit.
you found me out. Oh no what will I do.