Advise for PCT

I have 2 10ml vials of Primobolan and 200 10mg Anavar tabs and I am wanting to do a cutting cycle. I have been bulking for quite a while, around 6 months and am up to 200lbs @ 12-13% body fat. I am going to do HIIT 4 days a week and go on a extremely clean diet. I was going to do 200mg of primo weekly and 20mg of anavar daily. What do you guys think about this cycle? What kind of PCT would be recommended?



One thing for sure is that 20mg/day of var is far too low. I would use at least 50mg/day. Primo dose appears to be a little low as well.

How would you recommend that I take the cycle and more importantly the PCT? What would you recommend for the pct?

Bro you need to be taking atleast 500mg/wk of primo and atleast 50mg of var or your just wasting your time unless your 200mg of primo and 20mg of var is for your sister.

That what I needed to know. What about a PCT? I have some nolva left over from my last cycle, how much and how long.?

How long is your cycle going to be with the proper doses?

Well I have 200 10mg Anavar and 2 10ml vials of primobolan. I am not sure if I can afford much more than that. After posting on here I am not sure how to take it and not sure what I would need for PCT. I have asked for too many opinions and now I am just confused. Someone with some knowledge please help. I can also get some test if I need it too. I am going to be ready to cut in Janruary and need to have a solid game plan.

Why dont you send Bushy a (bushidobadboy) a private msg, he posted you on this, go up. from my time on here he has always given me great advice and never rude lol and I ask what would seem to be a lot of pointless questions to someone like him, but hey! I’m only learning.

So yeah private msg him.

Also keep us posted on your gain’s, fat loss, side affect’s, libido, diet. PLEASE!!! I would like to know how this went.