Hi All,
please advice on cycle done loads of research and am ready to start cycle
had blood work done all good levels and normal
5’11 190Lb 12-15% bf
Bulk cycle
1- 12 Weeks Test Enanthate 500mg pw
1 -10 Weeks Deca 300mg pw
Dbol 15mg Week 1
30mg Week 2 - 3
40mg Week 4
Arimidex 0.5mg e3d
Dostinex (caber) 0.125 - 025 e4d
(2 week break after cycle) ************************************************
clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/40/20/20
HCG 1500mg per week
liver and organ defender (rich piana) pills whilst on cycle (please overlook where it says NAC)
Will pin twice a week to maintain blood levels
Will mix test e and deca in one pin and do (delts, quads and glutes on rotation)
Clean eating
gym 3 times a week
kept it simple please review and let me know what you think