This is not my first cycle, but is my first in quite a while (at least two years). I’m a bit older now at 31 years. Currently 205lb with around 12% bf. I’m down about 20lb from my usual weight of 220lb due to starting crossfit and getting quite a bit leaner.
I decided that my T was too low. I can notice just by my Sex drive and mood, energy, etc. So I picked up one 10ml bottle of Sustanon 300mg/ml and Test Enanthate 300mg/ml. I probably should have just went with the TE, but got them both so may as well use both.
My question is the most effective dosing of each to get stable good levels. Not looking to get huge gains in size, but to increase strength and pack on around 10lb. My plan is as follows, but I’m second guessing it.
Week 1-6: 150mg (1/2cc) Sust Every other day (450mg/week), and 150mg (1/2cc) of the enanthate every Monday (total of 600mg/wk)
Week 7-10: 450mg (1.5cc) of the TE per week
Other option I was thinking was run 100mg EOD of Sauce, with 300mg every Monday on the TE (still total of 600mg per week but for the whole 10 weeks)
Maybe I’m over thinking it, but I know the different esters will leave different levels in my plasma. I want to be around 500-600mg per week, as I don’t want to get HUGE like I usually do (typically 20-25lb per cycle). I only want modest 10-15lb gain along with some increase in strength…And just plain feel better daily.
Thanks in advance for any advice. Even if the advice is buy more Enth and just use that, I want this to be effective and not a waste of time and money.
just treat them as though they’re the same thing. Yes, there’s short and long esters in the sust but it’s really not going to behave any different in terms of real world application. You’ll notice no difference pinning 2ml of the sust a week than you will pinning 2ml of the E.
Shoot 2ml a week of the sust, then when it runs out shoot 2ml of the E.
[quote]Yogi wrote:
just treat them as though they’re the same thing. Yes, there’s short and long esters in the sust but it’s really not going to behave any different in terms of real world application. You’ll notice no difference pinning 2ml of the sust a week than you will pinning 2ml of the E.
Shoot 2ml a week of the sust, then when it runs out shoot 2ml of the E.[/quote]
Thanks. I didn’t think it would matter much. Just that since the enanthate has such a long half life I wanted toget it started, and the Sust having prop in it, I intended to help kick start me… But your way sounds much simpler. My only concern is won’t there be down time between the two since the Enth takes a few weeks to get active?
If you want it to come on faster just do sustanon mostly and frequently to start, and maybe some of the enanthate, that way you can use all your short esters and the long ester from the sust and the test will come together. From there I would pin the sustanon a handful of hours before your bigger workout, maybe you can a little more out of those short esters.
[quote]c.m.l. wrote:
Remember sust is just a blend of test esters
If you want it to come on faster just do sustanon mostly and frequently to start, and maybe some of the enanthate, that way you can use all your short esters and the long ester from the sust and the test will come together. From there I would pin the sustanon a handful of hours before your bigger workout, maybe you can a little more out of those short esters.[/quote]
This is pretty much what I decided on. I’m going 150mg Sust every other day, with 150mg of Enth once per week. Then I’ll crank up the Enth to 500-600/wk the rest if the way.
[quote]c.m.l. wrote:
Remember sust is just a blend of test esters
If you want it to come on faster just do sustanon mostly and frequently to start, and maybe some of the enanthate, that way you can use all your short esters and the long ester from the sust and the test will come together. From there I would pin the sustanon a handful of hours before your bigger workout, maybe you can a little more out of those short esters.[/quote]
This is pretty much what I decided on. I’m going 150mg Sust every other day, with 150mg of Enth once per week. Then I’ll crank up the Enth to 500-600/wk the rest if the way.
you’re making it more complicated than it needs to be. Just pin 1ml of sust twice a week, then when it runs out pin 1ml of the E twice a week…
[quote]Yogi wrote:
just treat them as though they’re the same thing. Yes, there’s short and long esters in the sust but it’s really not going to behave any different in terms of real world application. You’ll notice no difference pinning 2ml of the sust a week than you will pinning 2ml of the E.
Shoot 2ml a week of the sust, then when it runs out shoot 2ml of the E.[/quote]
[quote]Yogi wrote:
just treat them as though they’re the same thing. Yes, there’s short and long esters in the sust but it’s really not going to behave any different in terms of real world application. You’ll notice no difference pinning 2ml of the sust a week than you will pinning 2ml of the E.
Shoot 2ml a week of the sust, then when it runs out shoot 2ml of the E.[/quote]
don’t take my word for it, trust Shadow Pro!
Okay. It does sound too complicated…LOL. Just at least in the beginning I think I want to do EOD at least the first two weeks to help that prop kickstart nicely.
Your way saves darts, and also less frequent pokes.
Thanks again. Like I said, I’ve done a few cycles before, just that it’s been a while, and this time my goals are different. I’m not trying to be huge, I’ve been there before 245lb at 5’11 and ripped. But I’m going for more the 210lb with a six pack athletic look these days. Also I feel old and needed some T in my blood.
I know I’m overthinking it, especially since they are both the same thing essentially.
happy to help brother, and I’m not saying your way is wrong, just that for the extra effort you probably won’t really get much extra benefit. Personally, I hate pinning because I’m lazy as fuck. I reckon next cycle I do I’ll just pin 3ml of test into every muscle in my body and get my whole cycle’s worth of pinning done in one go…
LOL, that sounds like a day or two of soreness hell…ha.
I actually hate pinning too, but I have a buddy that helps so I don’t have to do it myself. That is the hardest part for me, self inflicting. Even though it’s not really even painful at all. That said I can’t wait for the next one though. Psychologically a fresh pinning instantly boosts my confidence…LOL