I’m currently 220lbs at 14% (bulking) 5 foot 10, 26 years old. 3rd real cycle (not counting ph’s) been off since July 15. Both previous cycles went well, no major issues, recovery went well. Pretty dedicated. Right now I’m eating around 4k calories, 300g protein a day, 400g(ish) carbs/day trying to keep fat around 100g (the only thing I struggle with, seems like there is fat in everything!)
Train 5x a week, not doing much cardio, as I’m bulking right now. When cutting I do fasted am cardio and postworkout cardio, 20 minutes each
Bench 275x2
Squat 415x3
DL 475x3
So, it looks like test prop and NPP for my next cycle. I have some superdrol on hand (it was an impulse buy, saw it for $15 on sale), as well as some winny and test E left over. I am using a TestP/NPP blend at 100mg/ml each. Gonna run things like this:
Weeks 1-4: Superdrol 20mg a day (am/pm)
Weeks 1-12: NPP 420mg a week (120mg EOD)
Weeks 1-14: Test Prop 420mg a week (120mg EOD)
Weeks 1-10: TestE 250mg a week (125mg 2x a week)
Weeks 10-14: Winny 75mg a day (am/pm)
PCT: Clomid 50/50/25/25
Erase: 75/50/50/25
Nolva?? 20/20/10/10 (might cut this out, some guys say don’t run Nolva PCT when using nandrolone or trenbolone)
And possibly an herbal product like Recycle or PCT Assist, haven’t decided
Also have cabergoline and exemestane on hand in case of any gyno, which i have yet to experience with any of my cycles. I hope to not have to use these.
Figured I’d use up the rest of my test E, plus I’d feel more comfortable having the test a little higher than my NPP, and also why I’m running the testP 2 weeks longer than the NPP. Don’t want any leftover nandrolone in my system when I start PCT.
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated bros!