Hey Guys,
I’m currently running 600mgs Test E on a 10 week cycle, using 0.25 arimidex EOD,
I also purchased some oral winstrol (50mg pills)… I had planned on using the winstrol for 5 weeks and bridging it into my PCT (weeks 7-12 @50mg per day) to add a boost to my cycle near the end.
My question is - How hard is winstrol on the liver? I have since read a lot of bad things about its effects on lipids etc. I do care about my health so i need to decide if it is really worth adding??
I am stuck in two mind about the whole thing so would like some opinions…
Am I just being a pussy ?
liver is regenerative so unless you have some kind of pre existing condition you should be fine, get bloods halfway through to make you feel better and or stop
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
liver is regenerative so unless you have some kind of pre existing condition you should be fine, get bloods halfway through to make you feel better and or stop[/quote]
i have no pre conditions etc, getting bloods is also a good idea!
Thanks for your input man
I am a novice, but I think it depends on your goals. Are you a competitor? I mean, if not, I would err on the side of better health, and stick to the test and adjust diet. My first cycle ( I did get injured while on it so i did not get to reap the full benefits) consisted of 400 test and some anavar. I know the anavar was really making me cramp. I ran the test solo for a month or so before adding the var, and will say that I felt a lot better while just on the test. My pumps were so crazy in the gym I felt like adding weight would make my muscles rip, and I had to be too careful.
Now I am on my second cycle and its 300 test 350 NPP. I don’t care if many people would say that its not worth the shutdown. I realize that this is a long term decision, so I want to be able to use for a long time with the least amount of negative health effects. I don’t think its worth crashing my HDL and dealing with tightness, crepitus in my joints. Im sure I will try Winstrol at some point, that is just my $.02