Advice on First Test Cycle & Reliance on TRT After

Hey peeps,

Looking for some advice.

I’ll keep it short and not bore you guys.

Looking to start a cycle of 500mg test c (2x 250mg E3D for 12 weeks) and winstrol (50mg ED for 6 weeks)…PCT is Nolva (40/40/20/20). AI on hand (armomasin 12.5mg E3D if needed)

Wondering about fertility issues and rebounding to a normal state without having to use TRT or anything else post cycle if I didn’t want to. Would this cycle be enough to shut down the boys for good even after PCT?

Know its a newbie question. Looked everywhere and getting such mixed views.

Training, diet and sleep all on point btw. Doing the shit natty for over a decade.


No way to know that really. Best chance of bouncing back to high levels after your cycle is to have high levels going into it. So what do the pre-cycle labs look like?

Everything okay. Not super high test levels but I’m taking an SSRI for about 1.5 years which I feel raised my e levels a tad higher than base and messed my T from high naturally to high-ish but nothing to worry about. Have a kid already so I was fertile pre cycle too.

I’d say better than fair chance to return to this, PCT will speed it up. Stay away from 19-nor & EQ

Use HCG either throughout or at least at the end of the cycle. It’ll do some good if fertility is the goal. How old are you?

I can understand staying away from 19-nor’s, but why also EQ?

Just cos he’s worried about recovering & doing PCT. EQ last so long it complicates the process.

I think @iron_yuppie has explained it before. If he was a TRT guy then I don’t think it would matter

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The length of EQ necessitates such a long cycle that it’s not a great idea for the PCT crowd to use if there are alternatives available.

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Personally, I never found recovery a problem with EQ. Yes cycles are longer, and it stays in your system a long time, but if you follow time off equals time on, that takes care of recovery.
I found EQ one of the mildest drugs regarding side effects(at a moderate dose approx 400mg/week, plus a bit of test), and full recovery.

Nevertheless results vary from individual to individual, as do their goals, so I can why some people avoid certain compounds.

For the OP I would avoid the winstrol for a first cycle. You could possibly use try it during the last 6 weeks if everything is going smoothly with the test and E2 control issues. It gives me headaches, and intense leg cramps. Some people get sore joints from it too. Others love it.

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32 mate.

If I use HCG post cycle with nolva will that bring everything back online without the need for TRT and other stuff to maintain healthy range of test?

I don’t mind going through recovery periods but don’t want to stay on the drugs for life (if I choose not to after just one cycle and want to resume normal 90-95% natural production)

HCG helps and you should use it, but nobody can tell you to what degree you’ll recover. Most guys recover just fine, some end up with low t for life. It’s a dice roll. I tell anyone contemplating a first cycle that they should be prepared for the possibility—slim as it is—that they’ll be on trt for life.

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Yeah, I get what you mean. Can never know as it’s all personal but seems that the return is most likely (chance on my side at least). Would running 250mg test cup be enough for a cut over 500 to reduce risk while achieving goal of fat loss while maintaining or putting on a little size.

Current stats:
229lbs at 20%BF
Bench: 150kg
Squat: 180 kg (shit cos of hips)

Athletic background (over 12 years lifting, 2 years BJJ, 4 years muay thai, rugby in high school yada yada)

I am extremely against cycles for cutting unless the person is at a very high level. I’m double against it if it’s a first cycle. Cut naturally, lose some muscle, big deal. Run a cycle and put it all right back on plus a bunch more. Way better use of resources and from a risk perspective it makes much more sense. You can cut any time, fat loss is fat loss. But muscle gains as a natty are nothing compared to what someone can do enhanced, especially at the beginning of their time using. It’s a much bigger payoff for the exact same risk.


Throughout if fertility is a concern. Back when I started TRT, my doctor told me it’s your best insurance policy against shutting down. And I’ve read several accounts of heavy AAS users being able to have kids with it.
As an added benefit, you’ll likely look and feel better on it, too. I loved HCG.

What dose would work? 1000 EW? Would you use HCG along with nolva then during the PCT?

My doctor told me 500/wk would maintain fertility. I did 250 twice a week.

And yes the general advice from dudes much more experienced and smarter than me is to use Nolvadex through PCT.


Don’t use HCG during PCT. While it does a good job of keeping your testes working, the use of it still works against actual recovery. Your system relies on a negative feedback loop and using HCG doesn’t work the same as using a SERM like Nolva. Hcg during cycle and then the weeks leading up to pct, drop it when you start the Nolva. That’s best practices.


Thanks guys for the advice. Really appreciate it. I heard you can use HCG around week 6 of a12 week cycle to kick start the recovery process. Would that work the same as using it earlier? Then back of hcg at ends of cycle and nolva for 4-6 weeks.

Agreeing on the ideology of necessity to have testicular down regulation to regain natural resources. However I believe a small dose 1kiu a week 10 weeks won’t affect it as much.

What about clomid instead of nolva in the situation

WHY use IA?