Hey guys,
I’m starting a testosterone enanthate (300mg/week) + masteron propionate (100mg 3x/week) cycle and wanted to share my experience while getting feedback from the community. My main goal is body recomposition, meaning I want to drop the small amount of fat I have while maintaining muscle mass, eventually moving into a calorie deficit towards the end of the cycle.
Stats and bloodwork:
- Age: 27
- Height: 5’8”
- Weight: 170 lbs
- Body Fat: ~20%
Recent Bloodwork (Pre-Cycle):
- Total Testosterone: 920,9 ng/dL
- Free Testosterone: 16,55 pg/mL (Low-Normal)
- SHBG: 50,7 nmol/L (High)
- Estradiol (E2): 36,6 pg/mL
About the Cycle: (12 weeks)
300mg Testosterone Enanthateon Wednesday.
100mg Masteron Propionate Monday, Wednesday and Friday (300mg total)
- My focus is lean muscle, energy, libido and overall well-being.
- I’m not chasing massive muscle gains (FOR NOW) I’m testing the waters and focusing on definition and overall quality first Smile

**Questions I Still Have:**
- Since Masteron helps lower SHBG and control estrogen, I assume my E2 and SHBG will stay balanced, reducing or even eliminating the need for an AI. Does this sound like a good strategy for my first cycle? I’m hesitant to add more compounds since I already experience the negative effects of low free T and high SHBG/E2 (fatigue, low libido, lack of motivation).
- Testosterone enanthate allows for once-a-week injections, but since I’m already pinning Masteron three times per week, would it be smarter to split my testosterone doses as well to maintain more stable levels?
I always advocate using steroids to build muscle, esp on your first cycle. They’re not efficient fat burners and taking 600mg of AAS just maintain the muscle you have but get leaner just seems like overkill unless you are already super muscular or super lean and trying to get out that last little bit. At your BF, that doesn’t apply to you.
If I were you (and I have been) I would lose fat first. Use a GLP-1, use SLUPP332, whatever you want, but drop down to about 15% BF, you should be able to do that pretty quick. Don’t fret over losing muscle, you’re about to go on cycle and bulk back up anyway. Do your lean bulk, Test + Mast is a fine combo.
You may not need an AI, but there’s only one way to find out. Good luck
This - Reta and Cagrisema kick ass (So does SLU PP 332 and 915)
Masteron can’t exactly replace an AI, as it doesn’t lower estrogen directly. However, it does help manage the androgen-to-estrogen ratio. That being said, I’d just run a test cycle with 2 to 3 injections per week—that’s what I typically do with enanthate
This is not good. Your first cycle should be test only. Adding compounds means adding complexity that you don’t have experience with.
Steroids are to build muscle. You need to drop your bodyfat down to at least 12%. 20% is not a good starting place at all.
Steroids do not burn fat. None of them.
I highly suggest you rethink this until you are in the right condition to use gear.
Being in the condition you are now tells me your diet is not locked down and you are about 140 lean body mass which tells me your training is not on point either.
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Masteron as not an ai. It acts as a serm.
Your best advice is to run your test at whatever level you want.
Wait 3 or 4 weeks and get blood work.
If your e2 is high, bring your test level down to get it in range and then add mast.
Your second option is to add an anabolic like primo or eq to bring your e2 down.
Third option if your e2 is high is to leave the test at that high level, add an ai and Masteron.
Thanks for the advice man.
My plan with testosterone for now is mostly body recomp + good effects on mood, not a exclusively to cut.
My bodyfat is not too high, I’d say 18-20% or less, I’m still pretty lean, just haven’t properly measured yet.
I thought that adding Masteron it would help the high SHBG and low free T and I’d finally experience the effects of high test (Moodwise)
I’ve always had normal testosterone levels but high SHGB and low free t, and I’m checking this every year since I was 20. And I’ve always felt low test symptoms.
Anyway, I just want to feel like a man for once and I plan to blast later after I’m in my 30’s
If you’re still dealing with high SHBG, you might want to try a single weekly dose—perhaps lower your overall dosage, or go with 100 to 140 mg every 4–5 days. I think one larger shot per week could manage SHBG more effectively than relying on Masteron alone for that—not that Masteron isn’t effective; it’s a solid ancillary. There’s more than one way to get the job done, and sometimes you don’t need to go all-in. Your body—and the effectiveness of Test—will thank you if you bring that BF% down a bit more.
Other options like Metformin and even Tadalafil sounds promising for managing E.
Taking more testosterone will lower SHBG as well tho. You likely don’t need the Mast for that. Didn’t mention the hair impact either, if you care about that.
Here’s what I’m doing:
600mg test E /week
300mg Mast P /week
both split in 48h pins