I started TRT on 1-22-15 after I requested for my labs to be drawn the previous week. Started off on 2 pumps of androgel 1.62% and retested in march. Levels not where he wanted and added 100 mg injections (IM) per week to my current regimen. Felt much better for a few weeks then stared experiencing the hi/low effect, though not extreme, it was noticeable.
Retested on 4-13-15, E2 was starting to rise so he added .5 mg 2x per week. Within 3 weeks, erections period (morning or otherwise) were next to impossible. felt mildly depressed and generally exhausted. After much reading on this site & others, I stopped taking my AI and started splitting my dose into 3 separate shots and administered them sub-q.
Inside of 2-3 weeks stared to feel better, erections came back, sometimes enough to wake me up. Mood & exhaustion seemed to be improving. Stayed with this protocol up until 7-13-15. During which time I recall just feeling normal, not low or great as some others seem to. I did start to feel fatigued again towards the 7-13-15 lab work. Doc recommended that I go from 3 smaller shots to 2 larger doses and start on a E3D schedule. He also told me to pay attention to how I feel and re start my AI along with my shots (AI at .25 mg this time).
Meanwhile, he is running some additional blood work to which I will go over with him on Monday. I would like to get that “feel great” feeling that apparently comes along when everything is dialed in correctly. Looking for any questions, comments or observations on my current setup. Thanks in advance.
-39 years old
-6’1" tall
-34" waist
-201 lbs.
-Average facial / body hair
-carry fat around waist / stomach area
-no chronic or acute health conditions other than low T
-Current Rx meds: 100 mg/week Test C (200mg/ml) sub-q every 3 days
: 2 pumps androgel (1.62%) every day
: .25mg anastrozole taken same day as injections
no hair loss or prostate drugs ever.
OTC: none other than acetominophin/ibuprophin when needed
2 multivitamins-daily
1 1000ui Vd3-daily
1 Krill oil-daily
-most recent labs from Clinical Pathology Laboratories:
Testosterone, free 444 ng/dl (300 - 1080)
SHBG 17 nmol/l (16.5 - 55.9)
Calc. Free Test 12.6 ng/dl (4.8 - 25.7)
Pregnenolone 44 ng/dl (23 - 173)
c-reactive protein HS 1.2 mg/l (1.0 - 3.0)
DHT 284 pg/ml (112 - 955)
Vit D, 25 OH 33 ng/ml (30 - 100)
Vit B12 366 pg/ml (250 - 1100)
DHEA S 107 ug/dl (103 - 446)
Cortisol A.M specimen 12 ug/dl (7 - 25)
Prolactin 10 ng/dl (3.0 - 30.0)
PSA, Total 0.8 ng/ml (<4.0)
Estradiol/non ultra 44 pg/ml (< 63)
Progesterone <0.2 ng/ml (0.15 - 1.15)
Hemoglobin A1c 5.5 % (4.0 - 5.6)
T3 Total 119 ng/dl (60 - 181)
Free T3 3.5 pg/ml (2.3 - 4.2)
Reverse T3 17 ng/dl (9.0 - 27.0)
T4, Free (Thyroxine) 0.99 ng/dl (0.73 - 1.95)
Thyroid Peroxidase AB <1 iu/ml (<9)
Thyroglobulin AB <1 iu/ml (<4)
Homocystine 16 umol/l (5.0 - 12.0)
Iron, Serum 158 ug/dl (35 - 158)
Unsat. IBC 270 ug/dl (155 - 300)
Calc. Total IBC 428 ug/dl (250 - 450)
Calc. % Iron Sat. 37 % (20 - 50)
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol 207 mg/dl (<200)
Triglycerides 144 mg/dl (<150)
HDL Cholest. 37 mg/dl (>39)
Calc. LDL 141 mg/dl (<100)
Risk Ratio LDL/HDL 3.8 ratio (<3.55)
Comp. Metabolic Panel
Glucose 91 mg/dl (65 - 100)
Bun 15 mg/dl (8 - 25)
Creatine 1.2 mg/dl (0.8 - 1.4)
Sodium 139 meq/l (133 - 146)
Potassium 4.4 meq/l (3.5 - 5.3)
Chloride 103 meq/l (97 - 110)
Carbon Dioxide 24 meq/l (18 - 30)
Calcium 9.4 mg/dl (8.5 - 10.5)
Protein, Total 7.6 g/dl (6.0 - 8.4)
Albumin 4.7 g/dl (2.9 - 4.7)
Calc. Globulin 2.9 g/dl (2.0 - 3.8)
Calc. A/G Ratio 1.6 ratio (0.9 - 2.5)
Bilirubin, Total 0.7 mg/dl (0.1 - 1.3)
Alkaline Phosphate 50 u/l (30 - 132)
SGOT (ast) 21 u/l (5 - 35)
SGPT (alt) 26 u/l (7 - 56)
CBC w/auto diff with platlets
WBC 6.5 k/ul (4.0 - 11.0)
RBC 5.4 m/ul (4.10 - 5.70)
Hemoglobin 16.4 g/dl (13.0 - 17.0)
Hematocrit 47.6 % (37.0 - 49.0)
MCV 88.3 fL (80.0 - 100.0)
MCH 30.4 pg (37.0 - 34.0)
MCHC 34.5 g/dl (32.0 - 35.5)
RDW 13.4 % (11.0 - 15.0)
Neutrophils 55 % (40 - 74)
Lymphocytes 31 % (19 - 48)
Monocytes 8 % (4 - 13)
Eosinophils 5 % (0 - 7)
Basophils 1 % (0 - 2)
Platlet Count 247 k/ul (130 - 400)
Diet: skip breakfast most days (just coffee). Cook most of my meals (lunch & dinner), fast food on occasion. Not really bad but not ideal either.
Train 3 days a week @ 1-1.5 hours per session
Testes do not / have not yet ached.
I do have morning erections most every day. Ability to maintain is not yet affected.