Advice for Noob Strongman?

Hey Guys,

Just getting myself into strongman after doing about 6 years of just trying to lift as heavy as i can every day i am at the gym and not really getting very far.

I have a youtube channel boysee87 and would really appreciate any help or advice you can give.

Thank you for your help !!

Work on your technique. Watch other Strongmen in training/competition and see how you can improve. Post your training schedule too.

Thank you for the quick reply

last 5 weeks i have been doing

Front Squat 5x3
Leg press 3x8
Strict Standing press 54321
Close grip bench press 3x3
hammer curl 3x8
weighted abs 3x20

log or axle clean and press 54321
18" deadlift 3x3
Sldl deadlift 3x5
kroc rows 2x20
Bar hangs + grip work

Front Squat 5x5
Split jerk press 5x1
tricep press 3x5
seated dumbel press superset with curls 3x1
Dips superset with curls 3x1
weight abs 3x20

and then on the weekend i would pick some events to do.

I have been doing some research online and found another routine which looks interesting.

Workout A
Squat 5x5
BEnch press 5x5
Barbell Rows

Workout B
Squat 5x5
Overhead press 5x5
deadlift 5x5

Monday - workout A
Wednesday - workout B
Thursday - Workout A

Then the next week do workout B twice and workout A once then as usual weekends are saved for event training.

Let me know what you think.

Cheers !

Cheers for your reply ! yeah all i do is watch videos on Youtube for different movements and try my best to copy what they do.

Meant to be trying a new routine from today actually.

Workout A
squat 5x5
bench press 5x5
barbell rows 5x5

Workout B
squat 5x5
Overhead press 5x5
Deadlift 5x5

Monday - Workout A
Wednesday - Workout B
Friday - Workout A
Sat or Sun - Events

Then the next week will do workout B twice. See this routine on the internet and it looks quite interesting but i am still not 100% confident in it.

Let me know your thoughts !

Cheers !

Workout 1 looks like it should work. Might be a lot of intensity for where you’re at in your training though. Workout 2 is basic and works. Lift heavy, eat sleep, practice events.

Personally, I like doing main lifts, necessary assistance, and then events. I run Westside. Events on weekends are good, but can sometimes create too much volume for people who aren’t trained for it.

Personally I would drop the full body training if your training events asxhard as you should your recovery is going to go down a bit and your going to have a hard time recovery from squats and deadlifts 2-3 times aweek and then events. Its completely up to you I recommend atleast thinking about a method along these lines.

Monday-Upper Push
Push Press/ Military Press/Incline Press x 5 x 5 x work hard last wet should suck.
2-3 triceps assistance around 6-12 reps a set.

Tuesday- Lower Body
Front Squat/Back Squat/Deadlift 5 x 5 x same as above.
Lunges/Split Squats
Hypers/Hip Thrust

Wednesday- Back and Biceps
Vertical Pull
Horizontal Pull
Just train in the 6-12 range.

Alternate between the exercises each week and just keep training hard. This is what has worked awesome for me lately but, I still have along way to go my self but, I didn’t make that good a gains with full body training.

Oh and events on Saturday obviously.

Cheers mate thank you for the advice ! looks like a decent split plus a nice gap before events which are a killer !

That’s pretty much the whole point in our mentality by our I mean GA Strongman crew run by Scott Helms GA NAS state chairman. Events are killer and you need to be fresh for them so atleast two days of recovery before events. One of our strongest guys wesley Clayborn only trains two days a week not counting Saturday events and that Guy is a fucking monster has won his last three shows as a super heavyweight open competitor and he just turned 20 this month.

[quote]Boysee87 wrote:
Hey Guys,

Just getting myself into strongman after doing about 6 years of just trying to lift as heavy as i can every day i am at the gym and not really getting very far.

I have a youtube channel boysee87 and would really appreciate any help or advice you can give.

Thank you for your help !!


Go to a competition and make connections with the strongman there. Also look for strongman gyms in your area. The best way to be a strongman is to train like a strongman. Unfortunately a lot of people try to mix sports (i am guilty) and it doesn’t work well.

Cheers guys for all your advise yeah i have joined a gym called Genesis gym near where i live its run by a powerlifter called Dave Beatie and it is amazing ! been training there with a guy who competes at a decent level and he has been helping me out alot aswell.

So fingers crossed next year i can find a comp to try out.