Advice for My First Cycle

What would you guys suggest for a first cycle? I’ve heard testosterone is best. I want to finish one experimental cycle and see where I’m at, then go from there. I was told by a friend who is a fitness trainer to come here for direction and questions.

Info about me:

Age: 33
Weight: 6’2 220 lbs
Years training with weights: about 1.5 years consistently.

Estimated %!body fat: around 20% plus

1 rep max Squat: 275 lbs
1 rep max Bench: 250 lbs

last test was much lower at 320. My luteinizing hormone was below normal levels. This was concerning as my test prior to that was at 560. I have been taking tongkat Ali and fadogia agrestis.

I’m interested in TRT if I don’t run a cycle.

90% of topics here consist of either first cycle questions, or “omg i fucked myself with my cycle”. I suggest you read both of these sorts of topics.

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Consider me one of the 90% have a problem with it? Don’t check this section.

I posted before and everybody wanted me to add my specific information. So I’m going to stick with that.

Uhm no…
I said 90% of topics here, already have all the answers. First cycles are pretty limited. Its basically test only or some orals only with very standardized doses and there are all the explanations and reasons discussed in most of topics here.

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So what i think @hankthetank89 is getting at is… 90% if the threads in this subforum are people asking “wut shood i doo for muh first cycle?” Or people rightfully getting shit on for asking “can i do tren, test, dbol, hgh and insulin on my first cycle?”

Later we find out they are either fat, undertrained, underage, or some combination of the above.

If you spent any time reading these threads, you’d find most people recommend 500mg test e/c/p weekly for first cycle. If you spent even more time reading, you’d find threads with first cycle suggestions.

Hank has a point that if you havent spent any time reading this stuff, you’re likely going to end up one of the 90% of morons wondering why their dick stopped working mid-cycle and why you lost all your gainz during PCT.

Start here


Embarassment of riches if you just use search function and take the time to read.

Well, I have a friend who’s given advice in person and I’ve been vetting his advice from multiple sources online. I’m getting some very helpful replies. So if this is what you have to give me then thanks for that.

Maybe it’s just me, but this sounds like a way of saying “thanks for the advice I’m not going to follow”. Hoping I’m wrong.

There ya go. I’d make sure you have your training and diet locked in to really make the most of the first cycle

If I were you based on provided information I would not run a cycle.

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