Advice for Crossfit Athlete

Athlete24 asks:

I’m a competitive Crossfit athlete looking to make the jump from bottom level elite to a regional intended, any means necessary, looking for help!

That is a bit of a broad question! What do you need exactly? Training, nutrition, supplementation advice?

And if it is training advice which are your weaknesses?

I have worked with dozens of Crossfit athletes, including two individuals who made the Games last year (plus a team that is likely to make it this year) and close to 20 who went to Regionals. But they all need different things to work on.

I’m looking for the right cycle to run, the right nutrition, and the right strength training! I have a great engine I’m weak overhead and in the deadlift, I pull 455 deadlift, 450 back squat, front squat is sketchy, snatch 265, ohs 315, clean and jerk 305. I’m 6’2 190. [quote=“T_Nation, post:1, topic:215790, full:true”]
Athlete24 asks:

I’m a competitive Crossfit athlete looking to make the jump from bottom level elite to a regional intended, any means necessary, looking for help!

I hope by ‘cycle’ you don’t mean illegal drugs. And honestly I can’t provide online programing for something as complex as Crossfit in which people have all sorts of weaknesses. You’d have to ask me a specific question or questions about ho to improive something specific.

By Cycle I mean supplementation program, even though your a step behind in Crossfit if your not on “illegal drugs”. I’m weak on overhead movements and pulling from the floor. Also what macro should I plug in for a Crossfit diet? [quote=“T_Nation, post:1, topic:215790, full:true”]
Athlete24 asks:

I’m a competitive Crossfit athlete looking to make the jump from bottom level elite to a regional intended, any means necessary, looking for help!