I don’t have too much specific information regarding labs yet, but I’m hoping to get some advice around discussions with my GP.
As a little background, reference point, I had my TT tested over 20 years ago, when I was 20, and it came back in the mid-400s ng/dL. While just a bit on the low/normal range, I didn’t have any symptoms, so all was good. My TSH was also a bit high, but I don’t remember what the number was at all.
About a year or so ago, I started noticed increasing symptoms and they got bad enough, I figured I should probably get some blood work done. I was hesitant to go to a TRT clinic, because they’re selling a product and I want to make sure its actually the issue before jumping into TRT.
My GP was good enough to entertain the possibility of low T and ordered a TT test, along with the usual standard check up blood work. He also referred me in to a sleep study and I have that scheduled for April 27th.
When I got my labs back, my TT was 11.8 nmol/L or 340 ng/dL, reference range 8 - 35 nmol/L (approx. 250 - 1200 ng/dL) and my TSH was 6.67 mU/L, reference range .2 - 4.00 mU/L.
I have a follow up appointment on May 3 to go over my bloodwork and I’m not quite sure how I should approach it. My TT is on the low end, but still within the reference range. Given my symptoms, I’m wondering if I should ask for a referral to a urologist or endocrinologist for a more complete panel. I’m also wondering, though if I should see what the sleep study says and maybe try to tackle that angle first, see if my symptoms improve and then do a follow up TT test and go from there.
My diet and BF% are all in check, so the only lifestyle factor that I could see contributing to the TT number is sleep. I work a 4 on, 3 off work schedule, getting 5.5-6 hrs of sleep when I’m working at 8-9 hours when I’m off. Next week, I’ll be moving to a 4 on 4 off schedule, so I’ll have an equal number of short vs long sleeps. The biggest thing for me about sleep, is that I worked shift work for over 20 years, and I actually work straight days now, so I’m not sure why it would be causing issues now, but I’m willing to accept that’s what it is.
So, I’m not sure if I actually asked any questions here, but if anyone has any advice, that would be much appreciated.