I would like some advice about my bulking diet, right now I weight 205, 6,1" and I have no idea about %bf, maybe around 15? not sure.
oats and rice is always 1cup minimum, I measured it once, but I always throw some more… same with meat, always 8oz minimum.
7:30 raw oats with fat free yagourt and frozen berries, 3-4 eggs (not raw… cooked or boiled) with a green veggie
10:30 rice with chicken
12:30 rice with beef with veggies
3:30 rice beef veggies
4:30~5 workout (WS4SB), I drink diluated gatorad
6~6:30 I used to drink choc milk, but I’m trying to remove milk and see… so for now its canned tuna and again gatorad powder
7:30~8 rice beef veggies
before bed big snack, usualy almonds
I drink at least 3~4l every day, and the rice is brown rice. I’m a student on a budget, Surge is way too expensive in canada (70$!!) so any post workout idea is appreciated
dont look bad the rice would get a bit old might mix that up a bit breads, oats, potato if so. also looks a lot light on fats which can be very cheap in relation to the calorie content, olive oil, nuts, nut butters etc
yeah i just ordered a bottle of Surge off here… along with a couple other things, doesn’t seem as expensive that way, but yeah i seen it in a supplement store the other day $70 i laughed and walked away
If it were me, I’d replace some of the carbs with more healthy fats. A lot guys do well on a 40% pro 30% carb 30% fat diet. Instead of tuna I’d rather eat some sardines or some salmon because they have more omega 3’s.
I get 20 to 40g of fat from fish oil caps, sardines and flax seed and I make some fast gains. Word of advice don’t eat sardines before a date! Women do not like fish breath but I’m sure your all smart enough to know this. Of course everyone is different and it takes some trial and error to find what works for you the best.
ok, so too much carbs not enough fats. whats a good exemple of P+F meal ? just beef + veggies + some tabblespoon flax/olive oil ?? seems a very “light” meal
[quote]FatMom wrote:
ok, so too much carbs not enough fats. whats a good exemple of P+F meal ? just beef + veggies + some tabblespoon flax/olive oil ?? seems a very “light” meal [/quote]
I don’t think a meal like that would add up to 40%pro 30%fat 30%carb (don’t count carbs from fiber)