Hi guys,
I’m 36 years old, 6’0", 185lbs, roughly 24% bodyfat. I spent a good two months eating about 2000 calories a day, low fat, medium carbs, high protein and lost very little fat with very little change in muscle mass. I decided to do things differently by tring to significantly increase the amount of muscle mass on my body which would effectively increase my metabolism which will make losing fat later on an easier process.
My training program looks like this:
Monday: Quads and hamstrings
Tuesday: Chest and biceps
Wednesday: 30 minutes cardio
Thursday: Shoulders and calves
Friday: 30 minutes cardio
Saturday: Back and triceps
Sun: 30 minutes cardio
If I ever feel like I need a day off, I will take off a cardio day.
Here is what I’m eating right now:
2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 tablespoon flaxseed
1 scoop protein powder
1 teaspoon fish oil
44g protein, 59g carbs, 29g fat, 686 calories
1.5 cups whole milk
2 tablespoons wheat germ
1/4 cup oatmeal
1/2 scoop protein powder
1/2 tablespoon flax seed
35g protein, 50g carbs, 19g fat, 520 calories
190g chicken breast
1/2 cup rice
1 banana
55g protein, 100g carbs, 9g fat, 692 calories
1.5 cups whole milk
2 tablespoons wheat germ
1/4 cup oatmeal
1/2 scoop protein powder
1/2 tablespoon flax seed
35g protein, 50g carbs, 19g fat, 520 calories
200g Steak
1/2 cup rice
1 teaspoon fish oil
57g protein, 74g carbs, 21g fat, 701 calories
225g protein, 332g carbs, 97g fat, 3124 calories
34% protein, 51% carbs, 15% fat
I also take 1 to 2 doses a day of Metameucil since, as you may have noticed, the only fruits or vegetables in the diet is a banana (I’m not a big fruit/vegetable guy).
What is your opinion of this diet?