I’ve been on Trt for about a year now and I’ve gained a bit of weight but mainly because I’ve been not tracking my calories as well. I always track my macros and thinking about doing a cut. I’m on test 200mg per week and 1mg of arimidex. How can I incorporate winstrol?
do you really need winstrol right now ?!?
Well, im 5’7 and I’m happy when I’m at 170 ish and around 11%bf. However right now I’m at almost 200lbs SMH… I did a cut of 500 calorie deficit last time and leaned up ok and I’ve never ran wisnstrol before. I’m just trying to lean out in a short window
The obvious way would be to start taking some. The real question is, should you?
You are at 200lbs because of your bad habits man, windstrol won’t change the crap your eating…
I agree with the bad habits 100%. However when I get strict with my eating habits I lean down pretty well. So what if I add winstrol while applying a strict diet
start applying a strict diet for a few months, see how it goes, and then think about windstrol. But not before a few months of diet.
Winstrol isn’t a diet pill that’s not how it works.
Look into a eca stack if you need assistance loosing fat.
Eca stack? What does that consist of? Thank you for the suggestion
Ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin.
You can make it yourself
if you’re looking at long term use, winny is perhaps LITERALLY the worst option, I was just thinking about what would be the most harmful compound to add to long term TRT, I think it’d be winny due to unprecedented acceleration in the process of plaque build-up over time (that and hepatotoxicity + nephrotoxicity)
On 200mg of test there’s going to be almost zero actual loss of muscle tissue during a deficit unless it’s an absolute suicide cut. You don’t need winstrol, you need a dialed in diet. Trust the guys here who are telling you the same. Save it for another time when you get leaner and want to really get to that next level. Let it be an end goal rather than a means.
Winny may make you feel like ass… Anavar would probably be more mild & less sides long term…winny 6-8 weeks , var 12 is fine.
I did 50mg winstrol for 6 weeks when I started 200mg testosterone TRT and it while it did make me look tight with muscle striations showing, more vascular and great strength gains it really made me feel lethargic most of the day and had my joints feeling like low E2. The main reason I would say don’t do it is because when stop taking it you won’t look like that anymore especially since you really can’t take it for very long. It left me feeling like it wasn’t worth the lethargy feeling personally.
Yeah that’s I’m reading and i don’t want it to just be a quick fix. I actually wanna lean down naturally
11% isnt bad no need to go bananas… Im 9-10% and happy after a cut cycle… What are you trying to get to 5% for a show or something? around 10 is just fine for regular beach pool season imo…but with trt its a lifestyle so if u wanna lean out just add cardio and diet. The TRT will just give you better hormones like in your 20s its not magic. The fun part of TRT is blasting then going back on baseline dose.
I agree with you. That’s what I just went ahead and did. I adjusted my macros and did a 500 calorie deficit. I’m at 1900 calories for the next 6 weeks. I’m aiming for about 1lb per week weight loss and adjust accordingly every week. Do you think I should up my 200mg test that I’m already doing?
It depends on if you wanna cycle… since yur cutting i wouldnt… i take same trt dose as you 200 cyp weekly… if bulking up i do at least 500-750 test… cutting takes different compounds… for me i like test prop as a base for a cut then toss in other stuff for a stack