Been offered some winstrol and debating taking it. I’m currently on week 6 literally half way of my cycle purely on test. Everything is okay apart from tanking my e2 which I’m slowing working back up now by coming of my AI. I know most people use winny to kick start the test in the first 5 weeks, Is it so bad to do it in the last 5 weeks though? Thats my question.
I actually think using an oral to end a cycle is a better way of doing things. I would say you can incorporate the winstrol once you’ve got your e2 back up and running. If you start it while e2 is crashed you could get some serious joint pains, since winstrol is known for that and it’s a common side effect of low e2. Kind of a double-whammy.
I’ve heard its a good AAS for hardening up muscle giving that more “Toned” effect. While I’m on cycle currently I’m lean bulking eating about 250 cals more than maintenance. Is this the best idea for winstrol?
On 50mg/day 6 weeks winstrol it looked like someone took a vacuum cleaner and stuck it under my skin and turned it on. My skin was super tight to the muscle and I could see striations in places I didn’t know they existed. Like all water had exited my body. It also made strength go way up. I did notice it gave me crashed E2 like symptoms of fatigue (until I got in the gym then it was the opposite) and joints clicking. My joints hurt like hell on it. It also made my cardio endurance go way up. I would think doing it at the end of a cycle would have been the better move if I were to redo it.
One of the primary reasons I’ll never use stanozolol. Joint discomfort and absolute lipid wreckage make it an unattractive compound to me. The look one gets from stanozolol is transient, temporary with a small increment in LBM (say if you cut you’ll gain 1-2lbs, bulk 4-5lbs), however bulking on winny would be veeerrrrrry bad long term in part due to increased lipid oxidisation and thus atherosclerotic plaque formation. Winny has also interestingly been linked with coronary vasospasm moreso than other AAS.
The look would be killer though, so perhaps one day I’ll try like 5-10mg/day and see if it does anything. @iron_yuppie@dextermorgan how long does it take to get the “look” does use need to be continual or for vanities sake could one perhaps take like a singular 50mg shot and look sick for a few days due to manipulation of water retention, glycogen retention and whatnot… Not thinking of doing this anytime soon, merely curious. I’ve heard S-drol can cause aesthetic changes within a few days of use.
I may be somewhat knowledgable about some of these compounds/pharmaceuticals, however experience also factors in a large portion of knowledge, and anecdotally I’ve never used many of these compounds lol
I’ve used
Test at doses of up to 250mg/wk
Nandrolone up to 70mg/wk (for 3-4 wks, NPP)
Oxandrolone 12.5mg/day going all the way up to 25mg/day for a few days
Drostanolone up to 200mg/wk with 100mg test (not high enough, has me at like 350ng/dl, so joint pain reallllly kicked in)
not all at once
I’ve fucked up my shoulder, it hurts a looooooot (esp to raise overhead and whatnot) I’m giving it a few weeks as I believe it’s merely impingement/a reaaallly bad strain, however if it doesn’t start getting better within 2 wks I’m going too a doc. I’ll do anything to avoid surgery (shoulder which hurts atm is the one with structural abnormalities from when I was born, so surgery isn’t a particularly unlikely scenario if I was to go see an orthopaedic surgeon). I’ve lost a lot of muscle mass over the past 9 weeks due to chronic pain flaring up and all and thus will hop on cycle when the shoulder has recovered in order to recovery fast (not heavy usage as I don’t see the need for it aside from getting hyyyoooge to compensate for my body dysmorphia and insecurities relating too being short as fuck, probably along the lines of 150mg test 100mg NPP or something like that)
Seriously though I can’t fucking sleep on my side at the moment without significant… significant discomfort
I did the winstrol orally and it took about 2-3 weeks for noticeable changes but I’m sure if I was 10% bf it would be way more drastic. As soon as I stopped the 6 week winny the T was kicking in so I put on a lot of water weight. I will say though I did not lose any of the strength I gained (even after coming off the T) and it was incredible strength gains.
In all what I took away from it was this… It’s not worth the fatigue and joint pain (for me) unless I was about to compete (which I’m not) or if I was 10 yrs younger and hosting MTV spring break where I’d be on TV with my shirt off pounding four 18 yr olds per night (extra stamina & endurance).
Idk man, I think if I was to go on spring break of schoolies (spring break equiv here, which I’ve opted out of favour of going to Europe to figure my shit out… that and I don’t trust myself in that kind of environment not to get drunk and do something stupid) I’d probably be drinking to excess on such an occasion (spring break), as who wouldn’t on spring break THEREFORE winny would be a horrific idea.
So you’re 28 I assume? Also dexter is a fantastic show, only got to season 4 though.
Kinda interested to see how this turns out. I used Winny to kick start a cut cycle…tbh I hated it felt like utter shit.
However seeing what it does on a end of a regular or bulk cycle when not in a calories deficit sounds interesting. It does give you great pump in gym to power through tuff wo. If not mistaken it’s a fav of sprinters
I’m 35. The whole point of spring break is go make bad decisions so that when you’re 35 you aren’t going to cancun taking winstrol, drinking and trying to pound 18 yr olds.
Yeah I hated it too. Felt so bad 23 hrs of the day until I stepped foot in the gym and then I felt like a God (besides my joints). The stamina it gives for cardio is incredible. I went from not really even doing cardio to having to make myself stop because I was doing too much.
Ehhh I’m going to Europe after I graduate instead of schoolies (spring break equivalent), I’m sure I can make plenty of terrible decisions there #netherlands#heavymetalconcertsinNorwayandSweden
Also going back to the US for a week or 2 (and Canada), bad decisions are also made in Canada, or at least they were last time (weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed and lots of it)… I spent all my money on food
Going solo in an attempt to meet new people (at hostels and just by going out and whatnot) maybe I’ll come back with ADEQUATE social skills? But probably not…
Hope there’s a few cheap gyms around, I get highly irritable without exercise, even a casual (daily) 5k jog/elliptical workout will suffice, I simply require that rush of endorphins/release of pleasurable neurotransmitters otherwise I become very irritable… probably indicates something about the potentially addictive nature of my personality