Adding deca to “TRT”

I was doing a stack of TRT and HGH (Chinese variety such as Bestropin). Felt the mix was synergistic and I could eat moderately well and stay lean. Unfortunately the guy I got it from stiff me for $750 and has fallen off the face of the earth. I’m looking for anyone who can point me in the right direction on getting more HGH.

We are now allowed to talk sources here, but I haven’t ever taken HGH. There seems to be two camps with HGH. One seems to think it should be pharma or nothing, and the other seems to think the generic UGL stuff is the same or very close to the same.

You could check out the steroid dedicated forums. I have used one called outlawmuscle. Numerous sources there that have at least the UGL HGH.

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Yes, prescribed. Sure, I’m over the “high normal” range level, but I’m also young and healthy so as long as there are no negative heath reasons, why would a level headed Dr/ person not want to be over the normal range if they’re already taking it? My total test level when I was on 200 a week was only ≈ 520.