I appreciate it. Yeah, I don’t have any real goals. Just eat clean and trying to get big lol.
It probably helps that I don’t “bulk” either. I’m always in a caloric surplus, but I eat clean every meal. I feel like shit if I don’t eat clean. I tried it, got to 240ish and felt and looked way fatter than I wanted.
That’s a good strategy.
For what it’s worth, I would try an 8 week cycle of adding 200mg/wk of Deca to your current testosterone.
Is that for my original question about joint pain or are you recommending that for the pain plus size/ strength benefits?
Yes. Deca is a very good mass builder, especially when you couple it with some testosterone. Run some “before and after” strength metrics and pics.
Give yourself some credit. I don’t think I could be that developed on 400 mg/wk of Test, even if it was long term. At 5’10", I’d have to be roughly 250 lbs in my estimation to be equally as big proportionally. I am not even close to that, and I’ve been lifting for 15ish years.
I can’t comment on Deca specifically, but I’ve had an elbow replaced, broke a bunch of other bones and had some internal lacerations & other damage after a motorcycle accident.
I’ve found that compression, ice and especially cold plunges, massage and hgh peptides help.
I wear a compression sleeve when I’m feeling very inflamed, and not just at the gym but around the house.
Ice obviously reduces inflammation and sitting in cold water is like sitting inside an ice pack for your whole body. I try to be strategic around recovery windows to negate reductions in strength and muscle gains.
acupressure massage specifically is almost miraculous, especially in the muscle tissue that was damaged by the shattering elbow shards and cut apart/reattached after replacement. Between appointments a massage gun and rounded, narrow object (i sawed off a broomstick tip) to dig in work well.
The HGH as mentioned earlier does seem to help healing and consequently keep inflammation down as well.
And of course, some old fashioned tiger balm or a CBD infused copycat goes a long way.
Will do. I don’t take any AI now, since my estrogen and prolactin levels are great. I suppose it’d be a good idea to have some on hand when I start deca? What would you recommend.
Thanks. I’ve been back in the gym for 16 months after 3.5 years off. I’m very surprised in the progress I’ve made in that time. Regarding your “give yourself some credit” statement, I appreciate it, but I try hard to not sound like a douche bag lol
Yeah, ice and what not isn’t feasible for me. I for 12 hours days as an industrial electrician. Motorcycles, motocross etc. been hard on my body. Just looking for some options really. The only thing I’ll dismiss is HGH.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to accurately track strength. I’ve stopped all my “heavy” lifting almost all together. I’ve also stopped all barbell presses. The elbow I had a double surgery on has been killing me.
Prob a good idea. Aging and/or beat up lifters don’t need to do heavy presses in reality if physique is your ultimate goal. Look what you’ve done already without them!
I never took any AI. I just cut back some of the AAS, but usually just stayed at 200mg/wk testosterone cypionate. Above 200mg/wk testosterone was too much for me and avoid gyno. I was still able to take an additional 400mg/wk of anabolic steroids, such as Deca, Anavar, Equipoise, Winstrol V and tabs, Parabolin, Dbol, etc.
I would try to see if the weights start feeling lighter. Hopefully, enough to add some weight for various exercises.
Okay, thanks. I’ll get some just to be safe. I’m not going to lower my test, due to how I feel at a lower amount. My e2 gets low on a lower dose and I just don’t feel as good.
As I understand AI, it will be working to lower your e2. It might be a tough act to balance the two. Just something to consider.
But it’s not TRT, or “TRT”, or anything medically related. Just call it what is is. No one here is going to make fun of you, or criticize you, or call you out for your cycle. We’re all taking gear on here (well most of us anyway). There’s no reason to hide behind the “TRT” label. It just makes real, medical-related TRT look bad.
But it is, though. It is literally that. Testosterone replacement therapy. Before I got on trt, my total test level was 212 and my e2 was 0. Therefore, I’m replacing it. I’ve went from 100-500 a week. I feel better, have better labs and better overall health at 400 a week. Just bc that’s higher than what the average male gets as TRT, doesn’t change the fact that it is TRT. On the opposite end of what you’re saying, if I was on traditional “TRT” at 100mg wk, but I felt awful and my blood work got worse, could I say that’s not a “medical-related” TRT dose?
But judging off of your first reply, you seem either mad or jealous. I didn’t start this forum for your opinion on my TRT dose, especially if you’re not my primary care physician who is administering it to me and reviewing my health. But it’s ok, I get it.
You are actually prescribed 400 mg/wk? I assumed you were running this on your own.
People don’t all have the same dose response. I am a low responder in that I generally need a bit more than average to get similar levels to others (on average, assuming same injection frequency, and blood draw at trough). But, I would still be way over range on 400 mg/wk. The highest I’ve seen someone on TRT take and be reasonably close to the top of the range was 280 mg/wk (a very low responder).