Adding a Compound for Fat Loss. Advice?

progress update


Nice progress!

Did you end up using anything to help accomplish that?

I started running test 250 2xs a week… And the the only thing I added was superdrol for the month of October… Doing the 20 hour fasting daily I felt a little stagnate on gains so I wanted a little pick me up…

Great work, man. Keep it up.

Great progress.

Thank you all

Incredible transformation. It’s about four months since that last photo.

How is progress?


Sorry bout the mean mugging and low cut shot I was fresh out the shower… I’m not exactly used to doing all these selfies… Lol but weight is down to 202…


Hey…they called you obese. I’d be pissed off too :^ )

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Lol… I was pretty crushed that day… But hindsight… I reckon he was just being honest… All is good!! Hope everyone is being safe and healthy… Cant wait for the gym to open back up…

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Looking good man! Big progress!

Holy shit… I realised why you’re username is bigred (because you’re beard is red and you’re a very large specimen, amirite?)

You look like a viking or something along those lines (compliment, not insult)

What did you take to achieve these results?

Inspiring stuff, red. Thanks for posting. My goals have been primarily strength oriented for a long time and I’ve gotten pretty fat. Decided to shift focus to getting lean for 2020, while maintaining as much strength as possible. Started at 213 and now down to 195 but just starting to see abs. Of course, I’ve noticed a decline in strength (and my comfort under the bar) and it does bother me some. Seeing your progress is helping my resolve, though.

Dude, you’re killing it! Keep at it.

LOL am I nordic descendent too. Cool style, bald and beard.

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Thank you!!

Its definitely a struggle to sacrifice strength for vanity… But if you can manage it… I do 18-20 hr fasting every day and I truly feel like its helped me a lot with losing weight and maintaining progress… The last month before the gym closed up for this pandemic my bench, deadlift and squat was going up every week consistently…

Do you think bumping the test up (it was 500 mg weekly right?) helped or would you attribute it mostly to your fasting and calorie intake? Did you count calories? What were you eating at?