More Explanation Later maybe…
Military Press Ramping - up to 135x5, 120x3x5
Dips - Still tired from Sunday
Chinups - 4,3,2@ 2 Chains
Hybrid Pulldown - 105,135,120 x10,6,8
Sled - High Pull, Low Pull x6
Press x4, Static Hold Walk x4
Incline Press Ramping - up to 165x4
DB Press - 80s x6,6,7
DB Row - 95 x6,6,10
Pullover Extension - 65 x6,4
Close Grip Press - 65 x12,8
Tricep Pushdowns xSome
Prowler - 6 Trips Hi/Lo @100
Bench Press Ramping - up to 185x8
Floor Press - 155 +chains 2x5
Preacher Curl - 65 3x5
Dips - Too Dead
Sled - Push/Pull Many
Squat - up to 330x3
Deadlift - up to 350x5 (Neutral Grip)
Squat/Deadlift - 3x5@295/310
Sled - Forward, Backward, Rope Pull Many
Prowler + Banded Sled Pull - 45 + 90, 70 + 90,
90 + 140 - 1 Trip Forward and Back each
3-Board Press - up to 225x3
Brutal Beekers - 2 sets 2/5/2 x5@135,
1 set 2/5/2/5 x5@95