Abu Ghraib in the USA

An extract from a documentary. The person who posted the extract has named in “Abu Ghraib in the USA – Torture and Death”. It makes compelling viewing.

You may want to take a look at the Stanford prison experiment.

Humans are fairly robotic and governed by their circumstance.

If you put someone in a guard-prisoner relationship then give them general instructions to “give 'em a hard time”, an admin can’t pretend to be surprised when human rights violations surface.

“…Including one prisoner who was raped by a guard in a later incident.”

Jesus fucking Christ!

Send criminals to an environment like this for five to ten years and then pretend to be surprised when they reoffend?


[quote]ElbowStrike wrote:
“…Including one prisoner who was raped by a guard in a later incident.”

Jesus fucking Christ!

Send criminals to an environment like this for five to ten years and then pretend to be surprised when they reoffend?


Yes. Because after all, if this happened in one prison in America, it is only logical that it must be happening in all the other prisons in America.


Whatever, dude.