I have been receiving 1700 of TEST CYP and also an HCG injection once every Tuesday for 3 months an a TRT clinic. Due to Blood Pressure concerns I went to my Primary Physician and he drew some Blood work. The Lab results came in with LH flagged - it pretty much flagged at a non existent level. HAs anyone here on TRT experienced this?
Please note - The Lab Blood Work was taken at the time I normally would have my weekly injections so the results reflect my weekly “low”. I am a 50 year old male:
Testosterone - 477
Free Testosterone Calculated - 12.38 ref range 2.9-13.1 ng/dl
Sex Binding Globulin - 21.6 ref range 10–57 nmol/L
% Free testosterone 2.6 ref range 1.4-3.3
Estradiol, Serum 34
Progesterone 0.2 ref range 0.0 - 0.09
Dihydrotestosterone 276 ref range 106-719
!!! Now here is what concerns me it was flagged in RED INK
Lutenizing Hormone (LH) <0.1 LOW Ref Range 1-8 mIU/ml
So, if I’m reading this right, it is so low that it is not only not in range, but it is so low it does not even register.
Any insights?