AAS Use and Hair Loss

The reason im posting this is that im thinking of doing my first cycle in a year or two (im only 20 at the moment). I think i currently have early signs of male pattern baldness and would like to know if certain steroid compounds promote baldness as side effect more than others?

Is the hair loss during a cycle permanent? Im not looking to start using anytime soon im just trying to find out as much information as possible before i take the plunge!

I’ll give you something to google. “DHT based steroids and hair loss”.

Now if your going to have your hair fall out its going to fall out. Shave your head and get your body looking good. There are plenty of women that love chrome dome heads. Specially with tats.

I get irate with people who worry about hair loss when considering AAS.

Maybe these guys need testosterone more than most as they seriously need to stop acting like moaning little bitches

my 2 cents

[quote]Electric_E wrote:
I get irate with people who worry about hair loss when considering AAS.

Maybe these guys need testosterone more than most as they seriously need to stop acting like moaning little bitches

my 2 cents[/quote]

I agree …just some pretty nancy boys as far as I am concerned.

[quote]dirtbag wrote:
Electric_E wrote:
I get irate with people who worry about hair loss when considering AAS.

Maybe these guys need testosterone more than most as they seriously need to stop acting like moaning little bitches

my 2 cents

I agree …just some pretty nancy boys as far as I am concerned.[/quote]

I have known young kids decide to do gear and then stop dead in their tracks when they find out that hair loss and testicular shrinkage are possible side effects.

silly monkey’s !

yeh thanks for the great answers

I gonna shave my head tomorrow… fucking had enough of worrying about if i am looking more bald than last month etc…!

Gonna bic the thing! ;D