A Very Dull Training Log

Haha thank you, appreciated. Still need to add a lot of mass though

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My legs are thin, probably because of caudal regression syndrome. From the waist up I am all German burgermeister-meisterburger. From the waist down my legs look like a Nordic distance runner. I never skip leg day. But I bet people think, “That guy skips leg day.”

Funny you should say that, I actually got asked last year if I do a lot of long distance running.
I’ve never heard of what you have before though. What is it?

Well, caudal regression syndrome is when the lower half of the body, and organs, do not develop properly. I have one kidney, my lower intestinal track was not developed, no tail bone, and a variety of spinal column deformities. Last I read, research is not sure what causes it. I have a less advanced form. I was fortunate, mine is less severe than others. I married, have children, and have probably lived about 57 years longer than I should have. Some new born have no legs, or need urethras rebuilt. I needed my lower GI rebuilt. If it had not been for an aggressive surgeon (who told my mom and I once he submitted papers on me to med journals), and grandparents who were ever present, I might not have been as lucky. I did not have the frog legs…

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Sounds like you had some fortune in a very unfortunate circumstance.
How does it affect your strength? Kudos on not letting anything stop you though mate

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I learned to live with what it was. I actually never thought I would marry, but I met a college volleyball player (JUCO) who was very scientifically focused and became a nurse. So, the scars, and occasional inconvenience of lower intestinal issues did not bother her. My parents, for the most part left me at the hospital, so my grandparents took over and saw that I had the best care possible. I lived with them (apparently) until I was three. I did not find that out until I was in my late 40s. Strength wise from the waist up I am probably stronger (or was when I was younger) than average. From the waist down I am nothing amazing, but have kept my legs in shape. Fortunately I was able to become successful in college and have found a career where I am able to fit in. I have neuropathy now and take two pain meds to keep that in check. My neurosurgeon does not want to operate (rods) because he is not sure that will help, so the deal is, as long as I can keep walking there is no need for rods being inserted. In the long run I think I have beat the odds. Thanks for the interest. Sorry for the long posts.


No need to apologise mate, that’s what this site is all about isn’t it?!

With out wanting to sound patronising I think it’s great you beat the odds. Everyone I think deals with something to some level most people have no idea about. Some more extreme than others, but I think it also puts things into perspective some of the stupid things we moan about!

Like my shite session tonight, I’m gonna moan about that, because the gym was too busy, I was aching from all the driving I’ve been doing and not eaten as well as I should. Talk about overcoming adversity :wink:


I b!tch as well. Life could have been a lot worse. I did not start hitting a stride until college, then I could study what I wanted (history). In the long run I have actually had it good.

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Standing leg curls x4 sets
(Find these a lot more difficult than probably any other machine and have no idea why, half a stack is my absolute max I can control)
Seated hamstring x4 sets
Laying hamstring curls x4 sets
RDL x2 sets (170kg, took a step back in weight to try and activate hamstrings a little better and feel I managed to do that)
Adductor machine x3 sets

Steady session, nothing amazing


Ya booze, ya lose

Joined my wife and friends on Saturday night having a ‘few’ drinks and my Sunday was completely ruined, my stomach was in pieces and the tiredness was real. It was a not so gentle reminder I’m getting older

But I still made it to the gym….just

Chest and arms.
Nothing really to report, squeezed a quick session in as the gym was getting ready to shut and managed not to be sick which felt like a pb on its own.

Legs later today, going to spend the day trying to get some food back in me and hopefully I can get a good session in


Good to hear you are recovering. Once, in a great while, I have a beer, maybe two. One is plenty. Two? I have the lamp shade on my head.

See I’m never that fun when I drink, all the ailments of a hangover, none of the fun of a drunk :woozy_face:

I did manage to recover enough for a good session though

Leg extension x4 sets
Belt squat x4 sets (top set 240kg)
Leg press x4 drop sets (top set 350kg)
Lunges x1 drop set (was supposed to be more but legs were fried)
Leg extension x1 drop set

Felt the intensity was right tonight, moving in the right direction


Shoulders & Back

Dumbell press x4 sets (top set 52kgx6/7 not sure)
Lat raise machine x4 sets
Cable lat raise x3 sets
Rear cable fly x3 sets
D/bell lat raise x1 reverse drop set

Seated cable row x3 sets
Hammer strength low pull down x3 sets
High row machine x3 sets
Pull down x1 drop set
Hammer strength pullover x1 burnout set

Shoulder volume was higher than planned as I wasn’t paying attention.
Generally try not to push upper too much as I desperately need legs to catch up. Don’t want all my extra calories going to my shoulders etc (said no1 ever)



Seated hamstring curl x4 (top set 115kg)
Good morning x2 (top set 120kg, felt best it has, time to go heavier)
Lying hamstring curl x4 (top set 85kg)
Standing hamstring curl x3 (top set 25kg)
Adductor x2 sets

Strength is really coming, will be interesting to see how strong I can get between now and June



Incline dumbbell press x4 (top set 62.5kg)
Decline press x3 (top set 110kg slightly too heavy)
Incline cable fly x4 sets
Cable fly x3 sets

Finished with arms, nothing really special

Any constructive criticism welcome. Currently trying to put size on. Especially on the legs, but from these pics what do you think is lacking on the upper body?

And on that note I feel a million miles away from ever getting on stage. Looking at the bodybuilders in the gym I don’t think I’m any where near their league, and there’s no professionals in my gym


It’s hard to get a good sense of your upper body with the angle of the pic but from what I can see you look pretty balanced so I would just keep doing what your doing bringing up all parts equally.
Let’s see the legs.

Please excuse the terrible posing, I have no idea what I’m doing and will definitely need a coach if I get to that point

Oh and I’m not as tall as it looks, it’s all about angles


I would say maybe legs need to come up a bit but your def on the right track.

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What do you think of this physique?

Thanks, I appreciate the feed back. Legs have some way to go I think, but I’m working on it.
Did the pics show up ok? They’re dodgy on my screen

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