[quote]WhiteTiger711 wrote:
does anybody know if i eat carbs to bring up a low, but don’t take insulin (i do this a lot a work, i.e a banana or some crackers to fix a 3.9 or 4.1) will it disrupt my anabolic state? And since i have natrually low glycogen levels do i need to carb up in the mourning? as i am much more relilient to insulin in the mourning ide like to stick with just eggs…[/quote]
I don’t think that eating carbs to take care of a low will disrupt your anabolic state. I think that the anabolic state has more to do with how much insulin is in your body. So, treat your lows and don’t worry about it.
As diabetics, I don’t really think that we can carb up.
Everyone is more insulin resistant in the morning. It has to do with the growth hormones that are released during the night.
[/quote]I personally like this approach better than the low carb route.[/quote]
I try to do both - and so far its been working out pretty well.
[/quote]On a side note, does anyone notice that they’re more horny than usual after recovering from a low?[/quote]
I never thought of it that way, but now that you mention it and I think back, yes, I am more horny than usual after recovering from a low. I wonder why that is???
On a side note, does anyone notice that they’re more horny than usual after recovering from a low?
I never thought of it that way, but now that you mention it and I think back, yes, I am more horny than usual after recovering from a low. I wonder why that is???
Sometimes after a low I just feel exhausted, depending on how low (20s-30s). Though when it is just a regular low I do get a surge of energy upon recovery, like by glucose deprived brain suddenly takes a deep breath, and I am completely energized. Sometimes I do get horny from that energy surge, esp. if I have no where else to focus it. Whatever, it’s all good, if I can I take care of it
Since we diabetics cant really “carb-up” is it still a good idea to eat a high carb breakfast, or am I just wasting my food? I eat 27g carbs oats and 24g banana with protein powder mixed in.
[quote]heavylifter36 wrote:
Since we diabetics cant really “carb-up” is it still a good idea to eat a high carb breakfast, or am I just wasting my food? I eat 27g carbs oats and 24g banana with protein powder mixed in. [/quote]
Well it depends on why you are eating a high carb breakfast and how your blood sugar reacts. In my opinion the oatmeal and the protien powder sound good (almost exactly what I eat actually but the banana just seems like extra. It’s a good to mix your carbs and protien as a way to extend the time between when you absolutely need to eat again, as I’m sure you know. You probably already have a meal plan worked out but if you still wanted the banana you could have it a couple hours later perhaps with a protien shake and some cheese. I think for diabetics it all comes down to how our blood sugar reacts to our diet and activity level.
[quote]pumpbber wrote:
WhiteTiger711 wrote:
does anybody know if i eat carbs to bring up a low, but don’t take insulin (i do this a lot a work, i.e a banana or some crackers to fix a 3.9 or 4.1) will it disrupt my anabolic state? And since i have natrually low glycogen levels do i need to carb up in the mourning? as i am much more relilient to insulin in the mourning ide like to stick with just eggs…
I don’t think that eating carbs to take care of a low will disrupt your anabolic state. I think that the anabolic state has more to do with how much insulin is in your body. So, treat your lows and don’t worry about it.
As diabetics, I don’t really think that we can carb up.
Everyone is more insulin resistant in the morning. It has to do with the growth hormones that are released during the night.
Sweet this is what i wanted to know, I also like being able to spike my insuling PWO more then other people.
But i don’t do much cardio (maybe once a week)… However i have a very physically demanding job and on work days i can eat up to 200g of carbs and still stay at like 20units/day…
I never thought of it that way, but now that you mention it and I think back, yes, I am more horny than usual after recovering from a low. I wonder why that is???
I’m just taking a stab in the dark here, but it might have something to do with the insulin’s ability to decrease steroid-binding-proteins. This would free up more testosterone, but I have no idea how much.