A Strong (Powerlifter) Man's Log

Hello, everyone. I am DSSG, I’ve held a log here for a year and a half.

My stats:
bw:around 172LBs.
lifts: 330 squat, and going for a 345 squat today, 250X1 one second pause bench and 225X5 touch and go, 390 conventional deadlift and going for 420 in a couple of weeks, 150X6 overhead press, 195X1 push press, 135X13 kroc row

Training: I have been training conjugated for a year now, and using extra workouts for almost a half year. After I test my conventional deadlifts I am going to swap to a full sumo stance, and keep it until I can hit 420. I have been doing a crap load of heavy carries to work on my grip/core strength, and being overall awesome.

Lately I have been working on my shoulders, and triceps for the bench to really get some speed in the middle and work on getting a strong lockout. I have also been getting my overhead strength really high to fuck with (and motivate) Csulli, and build a stronger base. My overhead goal is to get my six rep max up to my bodyweight, after that I am likely going to just maintain my shoulder strength, and train in a far more specific way to strengthen my bench.

Competing: I have not yet competed, but I will be competing in Maryland the next time they have a full meet. I will likely set the total, squat, bench, and deadlift records in my age, and weight class when I do. Until then I shall focus on working on weaknesses, and building muscle. I want to be able to eventually compete as a very lean natural 181, and keep setting records in each age and weight class that will stick.


I train with csulli – we are going to up our pressing game because I will seriously consider suicide when someone 10 years younger and 10lbs lighter outpresses me (you’re close).

Well I was just about to jump on the bandwagon of your old log

[quote]BCpowder wrote:
I train with csulli – we are going to up our pressing game because I will seriously consider suicide when someone 10 years younger and 10lbs lighter outpresses me (you’re close).[/quote]
Holy fuck, so you are chia. I noticed you have an awesome jump, is that good for anything powerlifting related, or did you get it just to have a good jump?

Also, have I distressed csulli sufficiently on his overhead press, or do I need to add another twenty to mine?

[quote]DSSG wrote:

[quote]BCpowder wrote:
I train with csulli – we are going to up our pressing game because I will seriously consider suicide when someone 10 years younger and 10lbs lighter outpresses me (you’re close).[/quote]
Holy fuck, so you are chia. I noticed you have an awesome jump, is that good for anything powerlifting related, or did you get it just to have a good jump?

Also, have I distressed csulli sufficiently on his overhead press, or do I need to add another twenty to mine? [/quote]

I’m in on this too! Any rules for grip width? Does bar need to rest on upper chest/shoulders between each rep?

[quote]MightyMouse17 wrote:

[quote]DSSG wrote:

[quote]BCpowder wrote:
I train with csulli – we are going to up our pressing game because I will seriously consider suicide when someone 10 years younger and 10lbs lighter outpresses me (you’re close).[/quote]
Holy fuck, so you are chia. I noticed you have an awesome jump, is that good for anything powerlifting related, or did you get it just to have a good jump?

Also, have I distressed csulli sufficiently on his overhead press, or do I need to add another twenty to mine? [/quote]

I’m in on this too! Any rules for grip width? Does bar need to rest on upper chest/shoulders between each rep? [/quote]
Any grip width. Overhead press is the kind of lift that fucks you over if you get your grip out, and it must go down to your shoulder/collarbone/upper chest area. It doesn’t have to be paused (lol I doubt any sane human will bounce an overhead press, or if it is even possible).

[quote]DSSG wrote:
Holy fuck, so you are chia. I noticed you have an awesome jump, is that good for anything powerlifting related, or did you get it just to have a good jump?

Also, have I distressed csulli sufficiently on his overhead press, or do I need to add another twenty to mine? [/quote]

I don’t think training specifically to jump will have much direct carryover to powerlifting. I do think that training for power using explosive movements like jumps might have some benefit during off season training. I train to jumping movements just to be well rounded - I want to be strong but I also train to be powerful, quick and have good endurance.

I think he has recently started doing overhead work 2x a week now. I am going to make sure to do some kind of overhead work every day.

conventional deadlifts with troy barbell

stiff legged deadlifts with slow lowering and pause at the bottom
185X10 1 minute rest

weighted hanging leg raise
20X5 1 minute rest

kirk shrugs
135X22 1 minute rest

DB leg curls
30X25 1 minute rest

So apparently, I suck deadlifting conventional off of the floor with a stiff barbell. I am just going to swap to sumo, and focus on my squat.

is the York the old bar? use it just for pin work, Troy for everything else. The stiffness thing is broscience unless you’re comparing a deadlift bar to anything else pretty much. Most decent to high level bars are the same stiffness, but have different knurling depending on the application.

nice log name man, going to try out farmers in your honor

[quote]browndisaster wrote:
is the York the old bar? use it just for pin work, Troy for everything else. The stiffness thing is broscience unless you’re comparing a deadlift bar to anything else pretty much. Most decent to high level bars are the same stiffness, but have different knurling depending on the application.

nice log name man, going to try out farmers in your honor[/quote]
Oops I had a typo. This is the new one. It may be to do with the different feel of the bar, it bending less, ect and me just not being used to it.

How did you feel during your last workout? Maybe it was just simply a bad day.

[quote]MightyMouse17 wrote:
How did you feel during your last workout? Maybe it was just simply a bad day. [/quote]

I was actually pretty good, and other than the issues off of the floor everything was going very fast, and felt light. (like 355 had moderate speed two-three inches off of the floor then fast) It had something to do with form, or tightness. For my mental well being, I am going to go sumo so I have a bunch of new PR’s to break, don’t really know if the bar/whatever is really messing with my strength, and get some strength off of the floor/figure out my problem is while getting my squat up.

I know I’ve said this before, but I’m considering attempting some sumo work again. Monday is deadlift day and I’m supposed to do 8 triples. Maybe I’ll do half conventional/sumo.

[quote]MightyMouse17 wrote:
I know I’ve said this before, but I’m considering attempting some sumo work again. Monday is deadlift day and I’m supposed to do 8 triples. Maybe I’ll do half conventional/sumo. [/quote]
Just don’t alternate them. I feel as though alternating between the two (1 sumo, 1 con 1 sumo, ect) fucks up form for both. It would be a better idea to do half and half, four sets conventional, four sets sumo.

[quote]DSSG wrote:

[quote]MightyMouse17 wrote:
I know I’ve said this before, but I’m considering attempting some sumo work again. Monday is deadlift day and I’m supposed to do 8 triples. Maybe I’ll do half conventional/sumo. [/quote]
Just don’t alternate them. I feel as though alternating between the two (1 sumo, 1 con 1 sumo, ect) fucks up form for both. It would be a better idea to do half and half, four sets conventional, four sets sumo. [/quote]
Thats exactly how I was thinking. Great minds think alike… :slight_smile:

Yesterday: this was meant to be a conditioning day, but my brother has been visiting, and we wanted to go do some stuff in OC, and they made it seem like It couldn’t wait… then we don’t even leave until what time I would have been done, and eaten.

extra workout: reverse hyper 10X35, 10X35 split halfway across the day.

I think I figured out what was screwing me up. I wasn't deadlifting with a round back (which to someone who can keep this position better, and has shitty leg strength this is a big deal).  So I am going to go swap to sumo, beat the shit out of my grip/posterior chain in ways for both conventional and full sumo, beat the hell out of my quads, and go back to round back conventional deadlifts after I hit a 420 sumo deadlift. 

That should get me into strong new territory for my conventional deadlift, and keep me from plateauing (and stop me from doing what my personality wants, and basically beat my head against a brick wall hoping to break the wall).

My training cycle after squatting probably looks like this:
week 1: high bar close stance pause squats for a triple
week 2: deficit semi sumo deadlift tripling at the very least 15 pounds more than my previous PR
week 3: front squat to a max set of five
week 4: pause wide stance squat beating whatever my previous record is (can’t remember the reps at the moment, I think it was either 3, or 1) by 10 pounds at the minimum
week 5: Suspending good mornings to a set of three
week 6: full sumo deadlift up to a max single
week 7: wide stance squat to single

repeat cycle with new weight/percentages for ME work

assistance: week 1 5X10 conventional stance SLDL’s with the same weight/form as I did it last
weke 2-4: clean grip rear lunge 4X8
week 5-7: hip thrust 5X10 because you have to have a fucking awesome set of glutes to lockout a round back deadlift

heavy ab: Suitcase deadlifts alternated with farmer walks. Goal is to use suitcase deadlifts with 180, and farmer walks with straps for 300 pounds by the time I change to conventional

week 1: same except I am going to up kirk row sets, and remove the leg curls
week 2-4: NGHR
week 5-7 some sort of shrug, possibly kirk row

use same/similar pool of exercises for next cycle unless weaknesses change.

DE will be light bands for squat, then average or light+mini, and DE for deadlift will be full sumo deadlift with straight weight, then against bands

follow it up always with a form of conventional/sumo good morning or squat morning

ab work

back extensions/swings

This is simply to post a plan on how I am going to build up all of the vital muscles for deadlifing, make sure they are much larger/stronger, transition back to conventional, and go pull gigantic personal record once I have the form ingrained on exactly how I want to pull again.

If I pussy out on this plan, I have A.D.D, or something else please call me out on it unless I do it for injury prevention.

overhead lockouts

neutral grip DB press with 4 second eccentric

weighted neutral grip pull up
50X8 1 and a half minutes rest

one arm row
115X10 per side 1 minute rest
115X6 per side
115X4 per side

two mini band pull aparts
15 45 second rest

4 second eccentric overhead tricep extension and drag curl with 3 second hold
80X7, 8
80X4, 4
80X3, 4

Catchy title, nice to see you taken pride in your lifts, and opening up your log. I gave you a little flack awhile ago about my wife out lifting you, but you know it was all in jest, your lifts are strong by any standard’s, especially at 16. I wish I could do it all over, and have the kind of focus, knowledge, and strength at 16 you seem to have. If you stay on the path your on, you should accomplish some great things, right at a time when PLing’s popularity is at a all time high. Goodluck. Anyway, I’d like to know what kind of set up you have for training, since I’m garage training myself right now, what do you do to make up for the lack of things like leg curl, hyper ext. and GHR. I do a lot of Russian leg curls, and reverse hyper’s off the washing machine :slight_smile: just wondering. Latter

Subbed for records.