Hello, everyone. I am DSSG, I’ve held a log here for a year and a half.
My stats:
bw:around 172LBs.
lifts: 330 squat, and going for a 345 squat today, 250X1 one second pause bench and 225X5 touch and go, 390 conventional deadlift and going for 420 in a couple of weeks, 150X6 overhead press, 195X1 push press, 135X13 kroc row
Training: I have been training conjugated for a year now, and using extra workouts for almost a half year. After I test my conventional deadlifts I am going to swap to a full sumo stance, and keep it until I can hit 420. I have been doing a crap load of heavy carries to work on my grip/core strength, and being overall awesome.
Lately I have been working on my shoulders, and triceps for the bench to really get some speed in the middle and work on getting a strong lockout. I have also been getting my overhead strength really high to fuck with (and motivate) Csulli, and build a stronger base. My overhead goal is to get my six rep max up to my bodyweight, after that I am likely going to just maintain my shoulder strength, and train in a far more specific way to strengthen my bench.
Competing: I have not yet competed, but I will be competing in Maryland the next time they have a full meet. I will likely set the total, squat, bench, and deadlift records in my age, and weight class when I do. Until then I shall focus on working on weaknesses, and building muscle. I want to be able to eventually compete as a very lean natural 181, and keep setting records in each age and weight class that will stick.