Ok, let me first start off by saying I am not a Christian-basher like some on the forum. Although I am non-religious, my folks are Christians and quite staunch believers as well so I wouldn’t dream of disparaging Christianity just to “troll”. Its not how I roll.
I’d just like to ask the Christians here about the concept of “faith” from the Biblical standpoint.
In all honesty, I think the concept of “Faith” doesn’t make much sense at all even when you look at it through the rose-tinted glasses of the Bible. Ever notice how some of the most “faithful” heroes of the Bible weren’t actually called to be as “Faithful” as your average Christian?
Abraham saw angels a minimum of twice before being “tested”.
Moses saw a burning bush in the desert and God actually appears and has a little chat with him.
Samuel heard the voice of God.
Peter and the 12 apostles travelled with Jesus and saw an assortment of numerous miracles including the raising of the dead on two occasions (and even then they still disowned him).
Paul/Saul was murdering christians before he had a vision on the road to Damascus, went blind and was healed by a prophet.
Why do you think it is it that all these great Christian characters had the luxury of a personal and gripping encounter with “God” or his agents (Angels) yet ordinary Joe Schmoe has to believe or not based on hearsay and a Book that’s been revised several hundred times in the last 1000 years?
Suffice to say, if you take the most belligerent anti-Christian fanatic on this board, and tonight he gets a “Paul experience” while he was driving down the road, wouldn’t you say there’s a more than fair chance he’d be a convert tomorrow?
Another example would be if I told you I had a magic 8-ball that could predict tomorrow’s lotto numbers. You’d probably (correctly) scoff, unless I did it infront of your eyes and really won tomorrow - then you’d probably be a lot less sceptical. And even the odds of a magic lotto-predicting 8-ball would be more logical than a creator god for which no real evidence exists.
So would I be wrong in questioning the logic of “faith”?