Congrats on the rep pr.
Strong work, well done.
Take your time to find a stable position once the bag is on your shoulder. On your first set it was too far forward and on a few of the succeeding sets it was too far on your back.
I personally prefer to take the bag horizontally from the ground for the pick but I’m aware of both tactics. However most people that I know, who use the strategy that you apply here, go down way deeper into an atg squat and basically squat the bag up. What you’re doing is more similar to how I approach the sandbag to shoulder but with the bag vertically. Also if you take the bag vertically, try to pull it closer to you.
Thanks. Will practice more and update again!
Hey jdm, thanks for the tag.
No real tips to add from me for the sandbag work, I’m far from experienced with it! I’ve just recently started doing some sandbag work, and the 200lb bag has been challenging enough for me right now.
Embrace the suck of sandbag work, there is a small part of me that looks forward to the sandbag work at the end of my workouts. Soon I’ll get the courage to fill my 250lb bag up with sand and really start to embarrass myself.
Nice work, looking strong!
Dude, nice one.
Squat 5/3/1 5s pro c2.5w3
5x275 rep pr i imagine. Hard.
20x185 with 3 breaths each rep. holy hell. Rep PR. effort, suffering pr maybe?
20 light pullovers
Wide grip RDL, big stretch at bottom, 20x135
Buncha band pullaparts mixed in
Leg curls, nasty leg extension run-the-rack, bad-girl machine.
3 rounds: sled push there and pull back. The pulling isn’t right, straps too short for my tall self. Not as tough conditioning hit as push all the way, either, due to force vector being up on the pull.
Welcome to super squats, now you just have to add 5lbs and do it again in 2 days time and then repeat that 16 more times
12/30/22 press and pullups. Everything below is superset push/pull.
Press 5/3/1 3x85, 3x100, 7x115. Bonus: 1x135.
BTN press 3x8x95.
Weighted Pullups: 5x0; 5x25; 8x45 PR.
Bonus reps 1x70, 0.9x90. Nose was over the bar, my lips were about even, just couldn’t get my chin over it. Thus the 0.9.
BTN pullups: 3x5. Wasn’t pushing these too hard, pretty wiped from the above.
Important stuff done, did some lateral raises until my delts burned, some tris and bis, and some partial-rom pullups near top of range (to work on that 0.9). As usual doing pumpy stuff, i get irritated because that part of the gym is always packed. Yet ive never seen a weighted pullup performed, and overhead pressing is rare.
nice job
I haven’t bought more plates since then. Tomorrow, im going to stick with 370 and blow that PR out of the water.
Well that was disappointing, I didn’t blow my PR out of the water. I just tied it.
So much for affirmation lol.
12/31/2022, Badass Deadlift Program C2W3, 370lbs for max reps. Got 4 reps, just like last month.
Broke #5 off the floor but I had nothing left in me. I DID get a video. Feedback welcome.
Video here. Keep the sound off please:
Disappointed or not, a good opportunity to train the sandbag. 12 pick-and-heave (which may be properly called Triple Extension? IDK) with the 200lb bag. 10 were EMOM and the last two I captured on video. In total, 6 were with the bag crossways like @Koestrizer recommends and 6 were with the bag longways like I’ve usually done.
I actually think I can get the center-of-gravity higher with the sideways pick. Though I don’t know how I’d move it to one shoulder from there.
Feedback or comparison of these two styles is welcome. This video has one of each:
Edit to tag @simo74 though he’s on the beach and should stay off the damn phone, and @littlesleeper since he’s working with the same size bag.
My dude, you have made so many improvements to your game in 2022, and all that while being a helluva dad. Very impressed. Happy New Year.
Thanks @Cyrrex ! Happy new year!
Hey jdm! First of all, I want to say I’m impressed with your effort. I honestly feel like most people who don’t achieve results, lack effort in the gym. I’m fairly new to following along with your log, so I apologize if I’m rubbing you the wrong way with any of these comments.
Deadlift: Again, love the effort here, it wasn’t for a lack of trying. I do feel like there is some room for improvement with your technique (and I’m far from a technical lifter myself). It looks to me like during the pull, your shoulders are travelling in front of the bar, which is going to lose a lot of power off of the floor. I try to use the “wedge” cue (doesn’t work for everyone), and wedge myself between the bar and the floor. Almost shooting my weight slightly backwards (sitting back) to initiate the pull. I too will lose a deadlift forward if I’m not pulling back enough. I realize, that this rambling may not have properly conveyed my thoughts, but was worth a shot if it could provide any value.
Sandbag: I lift the bag vertically (your first lift). I tried to lift it horizontally during one workout, as I have seen strongmen lift/carry it this way in competition, but it felt MUCH weaker in my bear hug. I could not hold it for nearly as long/far as holding it vertically.
Hopefully something in there helped!
Happy new year!
Thanks man! I didn’t think about any cues at all, perhaps that or something like it will help on the next attempt.
Didn’t realize shoulders should be straight above the bar either. Appreciate you pointing that out. Maybe thats why my lats hurt so bad right now, from fighting it against going forward!
Going to tag in @wiseman83 here because he has a pretty good deadlift and is not a short ass like me.
I’m learning here too!
Need to watch the vid…but the wedging cue is what I use also.
I’m also thinking squat it off the floor at times.
On the second one the bag is much closer to your center of gravity which is generally preferably. In that situation you would want to pull it up as high and tight on your chest as possible before standing out of the squat.
As to how to get it on your shoulder, I use a part movement (because I lack the explosiveness to make it 2 parts). I also realize that in general the vertical approach might be more suited towards lifters with a smaller build.
19.11.22 - Kräftemessen unter Freunden 3 (competition) - YouTube - 3.40 min mark I do a good execution for me but an unfortunate angle.
24.05. prep w1d2, hand over hand vertical - YouTube - 2.15 to 2.40 is decent to see what I mean.
Happy new year. Some very strong efforts in here!
Awesome, thanks for that! I see what you mean, both about the better gravity position on the second (sideways) pick but also about how a smaller guy like me would really struggle to bring a sideways bag to shoulder. Passing tge end in front of your face looks really hard.
Those comp videos are awesome, educational but also inspiring. You’re a beast and clearly giving everything you can.
Happy new year to you too!