[quote]IrishSteel wrote:
[quote]florelius wrote:
[quote]IrishSteel wrote:
An ideal society . . . the concept itself is based in the idea that there can be a perfect man-based ideal.
This concept is a bug smashed against the windshield of the speeding vehicle known as the entire history of mankind. A society can be no better than the individuals that constitute its membership. Since mankind is made up of flawed individuals across the spectrum, there can never be an ideal society. Man is not perfect, is not perfect-able and even if he was, we would all have different ideas of what constituted perfect . . .
So, the best possible society is one in which the members, recognizing the failings of man, bond together with shared values, shared principles, shared beliefs and shared goals while preserving their individuality. They establish a form of governance and a standard of conduct with enumerates punishments, a constitution with enumerated powers and responsibilities and live as best they can within the contract they have established free of the unwanted intrusion and input of those not a member of their society. It can be as small as family clan or as a large as a federation of nations.
The good society in my view is the one that meets the stated requirements, upholds the values and protects the rights of its members as they have defined them and preserves the most individual freedom and god-given rights that it can as it deals with flawed humanity. - - - that’s why I love America!!!
well irish it was a reason I did not ask for the ideal society, but a good society.
not a bad answer, but what you did mostly was to paint a picture of how to set up an society. so to pick your brain a bit more( if its ok
). could you explain a bit more on how life would be in what you would call a good society? would there be any hunger, would a good society go to war against others society etc. just some specific questions to get you going. You can and I hope, add in other points you find important.
but that’s just it - at this point it becomes the values of individuals that determine the specifics of what you all want your society to be like. My society would be made up of people who share my values, beliefs, religion, etc . . . I would not impose “my” society on anyone who did not want to freely join and freely maintain their membership in “my” society. So there is no final answer for your question.
I will say that my society would contain free-market capitalism, agrarian based economics, absolute protection of private property, a classic Christian belief-structure, a strong emphasis on Education and Western Civilization and Military Preparedness, and an utter devotion to individual liberty. Within those topics are literally thousands of concepts and standards (i believe my posts hint at just a few) - and I will call it FIRe The Free Irish Republic - anyone else think it strange that I have mentally prepared my own civilization? ← - LMAO at myself!![/quote]
ok. when you say free-market-capitalisme and agrarian based economics, thomas jefferson pops up in my mind. are we talking about something similar to his ideal-society?
you can infiltrate IRA, and with them you can conquer Ulster and establish “the free irish republic” LOL