A Good Dilemma

Alright here’s the deal. I’ve been lifting for about 9 months now and made immense progress from 220 pound 40% bf blob that was weak as hell to a 180 pound 16%ish bf weak but stronger than before guy pushing it to the limit about half the time and 3/4 assing the other.

I’ve been set up with the dream situation, I will be attending summer school for one class, Tuesday and Thursdays at 5:30-7:18. No job, one awesome gym in the RPAC here at Ohio State, and unlimited supply of food/supplements. So I will have 10 weeks dedicated to weightlifting more or less. I respond much better to heavy weight low reps high sets than anything else in my short experience.

I’ve been thinking of going two-a-days three days in a row then one day off and repeat. But my question to all of you is, what’s optimal? I’d like to lean out a little bit, Maybe down to like 12%, not too worried about having hawt abs but I still look a little pudgy in the lovehandle area, and become as strong as possible in this time frame with goals of a 300 bench, 400 deadlift by the end of this year (250, 345) currently.

10 Weeks to do whatever I possibly can involving lifting/running/whatever to continue my progress on the best shape of my life. Just wondering if anyone has any similar experiences or ideas? Any supplement I can get/have along with basic food you can buy at Sam’s or a grocery store.

So basicly I’d just like some input on the subject, and no I don’t want to workout 7 days a week, that seems a bit pointless if your working out hard enough.