95kg by the 30th June, 2010.

Thats the goal.

Currently sitting at 86.7kg as of yesterday. So just 8.3kgs to go. Should be interesting.

The split is done over 5-6 days depending on my study schedule -

Day 1 (reps):
Neutral Chins [4-6]
Barbell Rows [4-6]
Lat Pulldowns [6-8]
Rear Delt Flyes [8-10]
DB Curls [6-8]
DB Preacher Curls [8-10]
DB Shrugs [10-12]

Day 2 (reps):
Incline Bench Press [4-6]
Flat Bench Press [4-6]
Seated BB Shoulder Press [6-8]
Side DB Raises [8-10]
Tricep Pushdowns [8-10]
PJR Pullover [w/ez-bar] [8-10]

Day 3 [reps]:
Squat [4-6]
Hamstring Curls [6-8]
Leg Extensions [6-8]
Leg Press [10-12]
Calf Press [6-8]
Seated Calves [12-15]

No junk - candy, soft drink, beer etc.
1 Day a week - eat anything i want.
[Plus] One other cheat meal ie. chinese, macers etc.

Regular diet:
2L whole milk, eggs, lean mince, steak, chicken, ham.
Pasta, rice, bread, vegies.
Peanut butter, nuts, avocado, evoo.

Already gained 3.5kgs but gains have slowed in the last week.

Bring it.

Note: Pic is from 28th Feb, 2010.

Some of my recent lifts:

Bench 1x110kg
Incline 1x92.5kg
Squat 3x85kg **woeful i know
Leg Press 4x200kg
Push Press 3x70kg
BB Rows 4x70kg

Hammer Curls 4x27.5kg
Barbell Curl 4x50kg
Smith Machine CGBP 3x95kg
PJR Pullover 4x37.5kg

Hopefully would have smashed all these by the end.

Alright so did shoulders,chest,tris today.
Felt good, a little tired, had about 5 hours sleep but am working on it. Drinking 2L of milk a day and trying to eat reasonably good food, lots of eggs, beef and milk. With shakes and peanut butter sandwiches making up extra calories.


Incline Bench Press [4-6] – 4x87.5kg
Flat Bench Press [4-6] – 6x90kg
Standing BB Shoulder Press [6-8] – 6x50kg
Side DB Raises [8-10] – 10x12.5kg
PJR Pullover [w/ez-bar] [8-10] 8x40kg
Rope Pulldowns [8-10] – 14x45kg

Studies are getting in the way, as well as work, so only training 4 days a week atm. But should improve.

Back felt sore yesterday and my knees fucked but still wanted to go to the gym so i did chest/shoulders/tris…again. Cos my mate was back from up north.

Flat Bench 1x112.5kg PR 247.5lbs
Incline Bench 5x80, 2x95kgxFail
Seated Shoulder Press 3x60kg
Side Laterals 10x12.5kg
PJR Pullover (w/ezbar) - 6x40kg


BB Rows 4x70kg
Lat Pulldown 5x80kg
DB Rows 4x37.5kg
One-arm High Cable Rows 8x65kg
DB Curls 6x25kg
Hammer Curls 9x25kg
DB Preacher Curls 4x17.5kg