[quote]Petedacook wrote:
Sloth wrote:
SALVATORE D’AGOSTINO, NEW YORK FIRE DEPARTMENT: You could hear the floors pancaking one on top of the other, huge explosions.
LIM: Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and faster as they get closer. What I remember the most was the wind. It created almost like a hurricane-type force and actually pushed one of the firemen right by me.
Here are some fantastic and rare ground zero pictures taken on 9/13.
Here is the big problem though in terms of reverse forensics … the majority of the debris is located outside of the building footprint, rather than concentrated within it. These photos indicate that the mass travelled laterally more so than it travelled vertically given its range of scatter and the LACK OF A CENTRALIZED HEAP AT THE BOTTOM.
“Pancake theory” postulates that the mass of the structure remained intact, moving in a focused manner down the length of the building, as the floor supports rapidly failed one by one, unable to resist the increasing downward force of the accumulating failed floors.
The chief pre-requisite for gravity driven completely symmetrical and vertical “pancake theory” to work is that the mass must remain intact, dense, focused, and perpendicular throughout the collapse in order for its energy to efficiently transfer. Unfortunately what is observed during the collapse is, rather than remain intact, dense, focused, and perpendicular … the mass, in a very un-focused manner, broke apart into voluminous clouds of small unconcentrated particles.
IPB Image
To the degree that the tiny particles that compose this unconcentrated mass are traveling “in a focused manner” … it is clearly much more of a horizontal and outward path rather than in an intact, focused, and perpendicular one.
Second as if the mid-collapse photos contradicting the theory was not enough, the post-collapse photos do not corroborate the theory that the floors remained intact, dense, and focused either. If a vertical pancake had genuinely occured there would be visible stacks of mostly intact floors. Instead, they are quite literally indiscernable if not completely unpresent. Why is there no “pile at the bottom” if the floors remained dense, intact, and focused ?
If floors did it … then where are they ???
This is what it looks like when floors vertically pancake themselves :
You guys can’t make up your minds. Sometimes your folks claim they fell in their footprint, “like in demolition.” Other times, that they didn’t fall in their foot print, which proves something else nefarious. So first, you tell me. Which theory are you going to advance and stick with. Then I’ll debunk it.
Who said the floors remained intact? By the way, that’s just a firefighter describing what he believes he heard. The NIST does NOT attribute the collapse to a pancake theory. The fact you didn’t even know this, something so fundamental, tells me you’ve never considered anything further than what the likes of “Prisonplanet” has told you.