Heres a video of a supposed 9/11 conspiracy video alleging America was behind the attacks. I skipped through a lot but if you have some time to waste or want to see good examples of complete bullshit, check it out.
[quote]allNatural wrote:
Heres a video of a supposed 9/11 conspiracy video alleging America was behind the attacks. I skipped through a lot, but if you have some time to waste or want to see good examples of complete bullshit, check it out.
[quote]allNatural wrote:
Heres a video of a supposed 9/11 conspiracy video alleging America was behind the attacks. I skipped through a lot, but if you have some time to waste or want to see good examples of complete bullshit, check it out.
[quote]Max wrote:
allNatural wrote:
Heres a video of a supposed 9/11 conspiracy video alleging America was behind the attacks. I skipped through a lot, but if you have some time to waste or want to see good examples of complete bullshit, check it out.
Just to touch on the subject, I get a little suspicious when buildings fall straight down to the ground and highjackers overpower hundreds of people with box cutters.
Ok I just watched the beginning of the counter video, screw loose change, and I looked around the website.
Loose change is not debunked at all. The website just brings up the obvious fact that allot of the videos resources are from shaky origins.
The whole point of the video is that he does not have definite proof that it was a conspiracy but that there are alot of questions and alot of strange information showing that 9/11 might be a different story then we have heard. These websites, or at last the prominent one I looked at have no proof debunking loose change and rely way to much on the whole ?look at this horrible tragedy, you are an asshole if you question it because it was a horrible tragedy.?
Maybe there are other sites that actually have proof against loose change, I am not really convinced by either side but I think loose change has convinced me that there is more to the story than we know.
Well… okay. I guess people will believe what they want to believe.
Understand I’m not really trying to convince anyone of anything here, but you said you wanted sites debunking “Loose Change,” so I gave them too you. Try to have as open a mind as you would ask others to have.
I watched some of the video and realize some of the stuff is pretty sketchy that was going on, but seriously, does he have sources on this stuff that happened? I would be interested in reading some of it.
[quote]allNatural wrote:
Heres a video of a supposed 9/11 conspiracy video alleging America was behind the attacks. I skipped through a lot but if you have some time to waste or want to see good examples of complete bullshit, check it out.
What it all boils down to with me is that if you believe it was all a conspiracy, that our own government planned this whole thing you have to believe 2 things:
The President, congress, and the military leaders are evil. Not just bad or greedy, but pure sadistic evil.
That the government, in order to pull off the attacks with such succes, is the most organized, disciplined, and secretive organization in the world.
I reject these because it is impossible for elected officials to be evil. Evil on this level is easily identified. Military leaders make it to the top by knowing the difference between a lawful and unlawful order. Yes, these guys do get in trouble once in a while, but not for evil deeds.
Also, the government is so big it is virtually impossible to keep a secret like this. How many people must have been assigned to this project if it is true? Hundreds, maybe thousands would be required to pull off a hoax of this magnatude. No way that many people agreed to not only participate, but to remain silent about the planned killing thousands of fellow Americans.
The fact is, nobody ever pulled off a terrorist attack of this nature in all of history, and it took many years to plan on the part of Al Quaeda. Just because the wreckage doesn’t look like what you might expect doesn’t indicate a conspiracy. Just because something unusual or unexplainable happened doesn’t mean something is fishy. We literally have nothing to compare this to.
Do you believe the President and the Government is evil?
[quote]JMB wrote:
Understand I’m not really trying to convince anyone of anything here, but you said you wanted sites debunking “Loose Change,” so I gave them too you. Try to have as open a mind as you would ask others to have.
You do realize that the Popular Mechanics article, the #1 article for “debunking”, was written by Ben Chertoff – as in cousin of the head of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff - you know, the Homeland Security born from the 9/11 crisis.
[quote]PGJ wrote:
What it all boils down to with me is that if you believe it was all a conspiracy, that our own government planned this whole thing you have to believe 2 things:
The President, congress, and the military leaders are evil. Not just bad or greedy, but pure sadistic evil.[/quote]
Some might call a pedophile, sex slave operation that involved high level government officials the ultimate evil.
The Franklin Child Sex Ring Implicating the Reagan/Bush Whitehouse
I’m sure you’ve heard of it - how could they ever keep it a secret?
That’s true, the government with all it’s advanced technology and unlimited resources could never pull that off.
U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
ABC News
N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001 In the early 1960s, America’s top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban ?migr?s, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.
The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba’s then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.
America’s top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing: “We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,” and, “casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.”
“The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time… It is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine”
I just watched the video, and I believe that there’s defenately some messed up stuff that went down. I’m glad I watched it though, because now I remember a bunch of the stuff they said on the news that the government now claims basically didn’t happen.
I don’t believe the US government was actively involved, but it is possible that they let it happen to forward their agenda. I think that is a possibility, mainly because of the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) paper entitled “Strengthening America’s Defences” where it refers to a “pearl harbour type event” required to pull off what is currently happening in the world.
If you have not read this report, you should, because it is a blueprint for what has happened and what will happen. The sheeple can call me what they like, but this is a document not written by wacko conspiracy theorists, but by members and political allies of your own government. All other facts or theories aside, it is PNAC that is most disturbing to me.