882.5kg at 83.9kg - IPF Single Ply

[quote]emskee wrote:

[quote]arramzy wrote:
And thanks for the comments emskee - agree on all points.


Thank you for illustrating these points. There is a big message here and you sir are the medium.

EDIT: When I did well in competition in the 80’s (nowhere near as proficiently as you) my work was based on Prilepin, my assistance work for a lift was more time spent on the lift thus providing more opportunity to lift with proper form. A complete deadlift workout, for example, could take as little as 15 minutes to complete. And yes, core work was more beltless lifting. It is pretty much how I train now, though my age and other related factors have limited my capacity for work.

You are the only other person I have seen to espouse this form of training(save for a very, very few way back then, Simmons being my inspiration.)

People, take note here.


Note taken. I’ve been wondering about this for the past few months if a person could get their form down and be so consistent that no accessory work is needed. Form in all three lifts would have to be mastered for all the lifts to compliment each other well. It takes a long time to reach that point but definitely want to work towards that.

What a thrill to get that third squat after the setup mishap. Even by IPF standards, you squat so deep.

What a technician you are on all lifts.

Hope to see you lift live someday.

[quote]lift206 wrote:

Note taken. I’ve been wondering about this for the past few months if a person could get their form down and be so consistent that no accessory work is needed. Form in all three lifts would have to be mastered for all the lifts to compliment each other well. It takes a long time to reach that point but definitely want to work towards that.[/quote]

Risking an excessive presence in this thread, I offer that the beauty of Prilepin is that a severe amount of time is spent doing reps below the 80%ile. Thus you have no reason to compromise form other than laziness or zealotry. When people do sets of a zillion well past fatigue the reps get ugly, not good reinforcement. When people lift weights too heavy for triples and do so at-all-cost, reps get ugly, again not good.

If you do 10,000 great reps uninterrupted by trashy reps in 10 years, it takes 10 years.

If you do 10,000 great reps uninterrupted by trashy reps in 2 years, it takes 2 years.

[quote]arramzy wrote:
Thanks very much for the support everyone! And thanks for the comments emskee - agree on all points.

Was at nationals last weekend. Was a tough travel/sleep/time arrangement but still put together a good meet. Arrived 4am on Friday and then had to lift Saturday at 7am. Only got 2hr of sleep Friday night due to jetlag. Regardless, I decided to really go for it on my 600 wilks goal and came up just short… You’ll see. That’s going to haunt my dreams until I claim this milestone.

The video does not appear and I didn’t see it until I went to reply and saw the url, cut and pasted it into my browser.

That reset on the 3rd squat is epic. I shall share.

Bummer on the deads. They were there and you know it.

This is the best thread ever.