82.5kg / 181 lb World Record Deadlift?

Did anyone else notice that hes doing mixed hook grip?

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I feel like there was a topic on this before or maybe it was a post but I canā€™t find it now. I forgot entirely that there are guys who do mixed hook grip. I can see his under hand hooking for sure.

Hook is already super secure so mixed hook wouldnā€™t be more secure. If a lifter is used to a lifetime of mixed grip pulling like maybe the way they tighten their back and shoulders than mixed hook is close to that while offering the security of hook

So when ur juicy cardio is gains

Or maybe trying to stay healthy and counteract the negative effects is better than just taking more and more.

If someone asks if you take steroids say ā€œno, I donā€™t want to do cardioā€.


i love this

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Just wanted to pop in and sayā€¦ this guy is insanely powerfulā€¦ wasnā€™t he breaking records natty for a while? Or at the very least in a rigorously tester federation

Yeah, he was in the IPF/USAPL. If you look at what went on at USAPL nationals this year, I donā€™t think very many of the top guys are clean. When you have 3 guy in one weight class squatting more than then untested all-time WR there is something wrong. And another guy benching 70-something pounds over the IPF bench record in his class. Maybe drugs donā€™t really work?

For mass they certainly doā€¦ and for strengthā€¦ but PEDā€™s are a tool thatā€™ll primarily help you cater to specific goals based on youā€™re needs. You canā€™t take gear the way say a marathon runner would (typically a low dose of deca for joints/recovery or a low dose of an oral to aid in RBC production) and train like a marathon runner, then say ā€œhmmmm I donā€™t look like Phil Heath, somethings up hereā€, this goes with weight classes too. Canā€™t take gear but eat 1000 calories daily and wonder why youā€™re not pushing 70kg. Granted here is a cut off point here where gear over rides everything. If youā€™re taking a gram of tren, youā€™re goig to look sick and be strong as fuck no matter how youā€™re eating or training. At which point easy gains come with a huge price to be paid

John Haack certainly wasnt permablasting massive doses of tren prior to going untested thatā€™s for sure, he was a genetic freakā€¦ do I believe he was natty? Absofuckinglutely notā€¦ but I donā€™t believe he was permablasting fat doses either. For him to do what he didā€¦ by using whatever he did is astounding

Saying tested lifters are not on PEDā€™s is like saying nobody in the NFL is on PEDā€™s because theyā€™re tested too.

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Yes, but depending on how rigorous the testing is determines how often one can cycle/what they can get away with using. Youā€™re not going to find many tested athletes using deca/tren etc due to exorbitantly long detection times

For strength sports however orals appear to be king of the game, many of which have short detection windows, allowing the user to floop and yeet as they please depending on testing intervals

Test suspension is probs the easiest to get away with, as t/epit ratios supposedly return to normal within hours of dosing

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Youā€™re kiddingā€¦ I was almost SURE Reggie Bush was full natty

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Of course, they wonā€™t be able to just go freely with it and will have to time their cycles, but some people might compete once a year and spend the rest of the time blasting crazy amounts of steroids. You can still pack on mass and strength at a supraphysiological rate and maintain plenty of it as your levels return to normal, Iā€™m sure.

Somebody on here, I donā€™t remember who or when, was like ā€œ99% of Proā€™s are drug-freeā€. It was funny. A good time was had by all.

I donā€™t even give a shit about pro PED use. I think itā€™s closer to 99% of them are using or have used drugs, because thereā€™s millions of dollars on the line to be the best, and the risk is totally worth it, especially when the guy next to you is enhanced.

You can but many compounds like say nandrolone take 12-18 months to be out of youā€™re system, no goā€¦ if the affiliation requires you to be tested at random intervals youā€™re really put in a tight corner, as youā€™ve got to wait til the last test, hope to god they donā€™t pull a fast one and say test you the next day or so and use whatever you can with the shortest detection time, they test for traces/metabolites of hormones now too, not the mere blood concentration

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I think itā€™s closer to 99.999999% at the top level in the world. I know someone who was in the Olympics for an intensive, predominantly anaerobic sportā€¦ within the few years they were at the Olympic level this person mysteriously and rapidly went baldā€¦ coinnncideeennce? PEDs donā€™t simply relate to hormones either. Stimulants, beta blockers, beta 2 agonists etc you name itā€¦ they can all be abused for performance enhancement if the situation calls for it

Was it rowing? Those motherfuckers are in RIDICULOUS shapeā€¦

No, ā€˜twas a water related sport though

Synchronized swimming, the anaerobicest of all sportses!

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Also I should say in the realm of sports, I think many do vastly over and undermine the amount these guys useā€¦ no, theyā€™re not on just trt and some GH but theyā€™re not blasting grams year round eitherā€¦ such behaviour is primarily reserved to strongmen, bodybuilders and powerlifters in higher weight classes. The majority probably do come off when not competing barring powerlifters and bodybuilders

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Dammit it was water polo

My (1st) cousin was also in the commonwealth games for swimming, not saying which type or distanceā€¦ butā€¦ family history woot

Iā€™ll give a hint, heā€™s short like me

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