Im on my 7th shot of cypionate 200’cmg per week .Was messing with creams before but they didn’t do much. My nips were itching after second shot some had doc prescribe some Arimidex 1 mg broken into 2 twice a week. Seemed to prevent itching. I was told tha 200 per week is a high dose . My test was at around 300 and free at 6 I think .
I don’t feel Any different and have more trouble sleeping now but not sure if that’s related. I don’t feel horrible just feel same , a bit sluggish slight increase in sex drive but havent had that amazing feeling people describe. Strength up slightly but don’t see any big chnage in weight or muscle mass and I lift like crazy. Doing a blood test next week. Is it possible e levels still high or am I just expecting too much in way of big change. Also not on hcg , should I be taking that? Thanks in advance for input
Theoretically 200mg a week is a high therapeutic dose (all bets off if you are on gear)… but that’s what I’m on, too.
Did you get your SHBG tested? If not, the doc should.
I’ve just started injections, so I can’t comment on what you might feel after 7 weeks… though I do know that should be long enough to start feeling things.
It may be you E level was driven too low (that’s a problem as well as being too high). Doc needs to test that.
Unless the ‘boys’ are shrinking, I rather doubt you need to throw HCG into the mix… get the T and E levels into the sweet spot first. With that loading rate, looking at the 300/6 numbers, I’m betting dollars to donuts your SHBG is out of control.
split your dose up to multiple injects per week. Get blood work done to confirm levels and take action if needed. You might be expecting too much too soon hard to judge as everyone has different perceptions.
Read the stickies everything there in regards to what blood work to get.
Getting blood done this Friday before next shot so will find out soon enough what issue is. Will look into tth sbgh as well. Also going to test for sleep apnea which I’ve been meaning to do for about a year since I’ve been told that can have negative effects on trt if not taken care of.
I think people assume this is a magic bullet and it’s not. I got the euphoric blast for about three days at the start of treatment and then that’s it. Some get it and some don’t but regardless it can’t be sustained. It’s a dopamine rush. I think the increased dopamine levels remain but receptor sensitivity decreases.
What are your issues? I can tell you it will improve things over time. I’ve been at it six years and I do have big improvements but they didn’t come overnight. I went from skinny with poor health to 25 pounds of muscle added and much improved sexual function. That said I had much better results with HGH for improving overall feeling of well being but not enough to justify $500 a month.
Give it time and don’t be obsessed with it. This is one piece of a complicated puzzle.