65+ Kicking and Screaming Toward 74+

What the heck? Who does that?

I never leave my station if I can help it for this reason, especially if I had to scavenge equipment to even do the lift in the first place.

yeah. Iearned from that.

And mean mug that person from now on.

dumbbell shoulder press 4 x 10 w/40s/45s/50s
close grip bench 4 x 10 2/135, 2/155
seated dumbbell lateral raise 4 x 10 w/55
single arm tricep pressdown 4 x 10 w/30/35

enough for weekend.

Incline barbell press 4 x 10 w/50 up to 110 or 115 (smith machine)
pec dec 4 x 10 1/115, 3/145
v bar tricep pressdown 4 x 10 1/52 3/62
overhead dumbbell extensions 4 x 10 w/30
machine lateral raise 4 x 10 2/40 2/55



wide grip pullups 4 x 10
machine single arm chest supported rows 4 x 10 3/175, 1/225
cable pullovers 4 x 10 2/57, 2/62
preacher curls 4 x 10 w/50/60/70/70
alternating dumbbell curls across chest 4 x 10 w/32.5s


belt squats 4 x 10 up to 520
hack squats 4 x 10 up to 450
leg press calf raise 4 x 20 up to 720

Overslept, no coffee, and worked out half awake.


neutral grip pullups 2 x 10
2 arm chest supported row 4 x 10 w/160
seated hamstring curl 4 x 10 w/175
deadlifts 4 x 10 w/225/315/315/335
machine shrugs 4 x 15 w/315, 405, 405, 405
cable curl 4 x 10 w/22.5s

2 cups of coffee. Deadlifts felt great.


Any movement with your wife?

I’m heartbroken in your behalf.

Thanks. I’m still interested in reconciliation, but the idea of divorce doesn’t bother me now. No idea yet of what she’s thinking.

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2 x 10 neutral grip pullups
dumbbell shoulder presses 30s up to 50s 4 x 10
close grip bench 4 x 10 w/135/145/155/155
dumbbell lateral raise 4 x 10 w/20s up to 27s
single arm tricep pressdown 4 x 10 w/25
EZ bar skull crushers 4 x 10 3/70, 1/80



inclince bench 4 x 10 85/110/135/155
pec dec 4 x 10 2/145 2/175
v bar tricep pressdown 4 x 10 2/62 2/72
dumbbell overhead tricep extensions 4 x 10 w/45
machine lat raises 4 x 1 2/50, 2/70

Good workout. Shoulder wasn’t so bad today so I increased pec dec weight.


You’re certainly patient! I’d have had to blow the entire thing up just to stop the uncertainty.

Patience is my middle name. Need that for negotiations.

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wide grip pullups 4 x 10
single arm chest supported rows 4 x 10, 1/115, 2/175, 1/205
cable pullovers 4 x 10, 2/67, 2/72
barbell curl preacher bench 4 x 12 w/60
db curls across chest 4 x 12 w/35s


Belt squat 4 x 10 up to 658 (machine weight 68)
hack squat 4 x 10 up to 530 (machine weight 90)
Leg curl 4 x 10 170 - 225
leg press calf raise 4 x 20 630- 748 (machine weight 118)
seated calf raise 4 x 20 90 - 140

Some weight increase for leg work. Finally wore glasses to see the machine amount of weight added to exercises, just been guessing before. I like Crippler’s doing belt squat and hack squat in same workout. About the only thing I can do to “sort of mimic” his workouts. If I can just get handstand pushups back into workouts…


76 today. Feel as good as yesterday.

No response from my invitation to wife for drinks this pm at classy neighborhood bar. I’ll go and wait half an hour for her to show up. If she’s a no show then I’ll start dating. Either way is an advantage but I’d really rather not throw away what I thought were 13 good years with her.

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Happy Birthday!


neutral grip pullups 3 x 10 w/10 lbs
lying hamstring curl 2 x 10 w/120/130/140/140
Deadlifts 4 x 10 w/135/225/315/315
shrugs 4 x 15 w/205/295/380/380
cable curl 4 x 10 w/22.5 each side

Ok workout.


Today is your birthday? And no response?

Oh, but it’s still early morning. Ok.

Because I’m starting to hate her.

And now it seems odd to say happy birthday. :grimacing: